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October 2016

Top 10 Things to Know About the New Blended Retirement System

Service member at computer with Blended Retirement System training on screen

The military’s new Blended Retirement System combines elements of the legacy retirement system with a more modern, 401(k)-style plan. It goes into effect on January 1, 2018, and has some great new features such as covering more service members and greater portability. Find out what you need to know about the Blended Retirement System.

(Learn more.)

Take a Stand to End Domestic Violence

A woman in fatigues slumped against a wall with "prevent domestic violence" written on the palm of her outstretched hand.

Domestic abuse is often hidden, allowing it to go on and become more dangerous to the victim. During October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, commit to taking a stand against domestic abuse. Learn what you can do to help victims of abuse and keep our community safe.

(Take a stand.)

Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Girls sitting in a circle, talking during a retreat

It is well-known that bullying can have long-term, negative effects on children's lives.

Bullying needs to be addressed and stopped, but it is also important to help the bully, addressing the reasons for this behavior before it leads to worse things. October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month — learn about helping both the bullied and the bully in "Bullying: How to Identify and Address Peer Aggression."

For more resources and to get help now, visit

Military OneSource Feature

Living in a Foreign Country? Military OneSource Can Translate Certain Documents for You

Document Translation Services From Military OneSource

Posted to a foreign country and need legal documents translated? Military OneSource provides free translation services for many documents, including leases, marriage licenses, birth certificates, school transcripts, IDs and passports.

(Learn more.)

An infographic titled "Making the Final Move." The steps are: 1 make an appointment with the transportation office, 2 take inventory of your belongings, 3 file claims for your travel, and 4 file claims for your lost or damaged belongings.

Making the Final Move

An infographic titled "Making the Final Move." The steps are: 1 make an appointment with the transportation office, 2 take inventory of your belongings, 3 file claims for your travel, and 4 file claims for your lost or damaged belongings.

Surviving spouses have many decisions to make, including how to make their final move with the military. See this infographic, Making the Final Move,  for step-by-step guidance on what you need to do and when. And for more information, view this helpful eTutorial.

For Service Providers and Leaders
"Military Families Learning Network" next to a their logo of a family inside a pentagon.

Upcoming Military Families Learning Network Webinars

"Military Families Learning Network" next to a their logo of a family inside a pentagon.

The MFLN encourages providers to learn from each other. In October, check out our virtual learning event, "Military Caregiving," which covers caregiving for ill and injured service members, as well as family caregiving for children and adults with special needs.  See the full list on the MFLN website.

Service member using credit card

Military Lending Act (MLA)

Service member using credit card

Protect Your Credit: The Military Lending Act will take effect on Oct. 3, 2016 to protect all active-duty service members and their families from the predatory lending practices that have put some military service members in a cycle of debt. Know before you owe to avoid falling into the trap of taking on a loan you cannot afford.

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MWR Survey is Coming

MWR Survey is Coming

Watch your in-box for the 2016 Morale, Welfare and Recreation Customer Satisfaction Survey.

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Are You Ready to Vote?

Voting is like service to country: it's what we do. Find out how to make your vote count.

Building Healthy Relationships Webinar

This webinar will focus on the importance of meaningful relationships and how to access resources to help you. October 12, 2016 2 to 3 p.m. ET

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Did You Know

Happy Birthday Navy!

The U.S. Navy was established 241 years ago this month by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Happy birthday! Go, Navy!

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Tax Tip: Lifetime Learning Credit

Lifetime learning credit can be used to help offset any post-high school education courses that lead to new or improved job skills. Learn more.

New Tool Assesses Risk for Domestic Abuse

The Intimate Partner Physical Injury Risk Assessment helps clinicians assess the risk of future physical injury to victims of domestic abuse. Learn more


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