Decision Analysis

Analytical Tools

DAT uses a toolbox of software that can be adapted to meet each customer’s needs and the specific study conducted. 

Logical Decisions for Windows (LDW):

LDW is a software tool that uses the principles of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) to help users compare alternatives and choose the best using multiple decision criteria.  MCDM is used in studies such as trade-off analyses, downselects, and source selections.  The software allows the user to score the alternatives on the criteria and assign weights to the criteria.  A variety of analyses can then be conducted on the results, including an overall score for each alternative, calculated using a linear additive method of combining the individual scores plus the weights of the criteria.  LDW is very flexible and allows for a range of analysis options, including sensitivity analysis and reporting graphs.  LDW performs similar functions as Expert Choice, another popular MCDM-based software package.  One project in which the DAT used LDW is the Analytical Laboratory System Block 1 Upgrade Downselect.  Click on the link to view the report for this study: [link to report coming soon].


Extend OR Simulation Software:

Extend OR is a simulation software package that models process and/or value problems using graphical user interfaces (GUIs) based on ModL code (a customized, C-based programming language).  Simulation is the computerized representation of a process or flow (e.g., design, manufacturing, costs).  Models incorporate constraints, uncertainties, and randomness, and multiple runs can be performed to show the range of potential outcomes.

The benefits of simulation models include: 

  • Serving to clarify questions being asked and the information required to answer them
  • Allowing sensitivity analysis to be conducted to identify impact of uncertain parameters
  • Providing potential cost savings – reducing the number of prototypes or mock-ups built
  • Aiding management in better understanding the process through animation and visualization of results and key outputs

The knowledge and expertise possessed by the DAT is enhanced by a business model that stresses collaboration and is focused in three interrelated areas including: Operations Research, Analytical Tools, and Facilitation.