Business Case Analysis

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Additional Guidance Regarding Acquisition and use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services in the DON

DON CIO Memo - May 17, 2016

In a May 17, 2016 memo, the DON CIO issued updated guidance for acquiring commercial cloud services in the DON. The updated memo amends May 15, 2015 guidance titled, "Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services." This memo delegates final approval authority for Navy and Marine Corps commercial cloud services business case analyses (BCAs) to the DON Deputy CIO (Navy) and DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps). DON ...

Use of Information Technology Business Case Analysis Templates

DON CIO Memo - August 12, 2015

This memo establishes Department of the Navy policy for the use of the DoD Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template and the DON IT Abbreviated BCA Template, version 2.0. Either the DoD Enterprise IT BCA, which is tailorable based on the scope and nature of the project, or the DON IT Abbreviated BCA, which has been pre-tailored and reflects essential BCA requirements, must be used to analyze all ...

Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services

DON CIO Memo - May 15, 2015

This memo provides updated guidance for leveraging commercial cloud services in the Department of the Navy, implements the December 15, 2014 cloud computing guidance from DoD CIO, cancels the DON CIO June 4, 2013 memo, "Update to Department of the Navy Approach to Cloud Computing," and supersedes all direction concerning cloud pilots and cloud services in the DON CIO July 31, 2013 memo, "Enterprise Mobility and Cloud ...

Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis

DoD CIO Memo - October 23, 2014

This memo establishes the Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments. The template is based on business cases used in the DoD and industry. DON CIO is currently drafting policy on implementing the below DoD CIO memo.


DON CIO Issues Updated Guidance for Acquiring Commercial Cloud Services in the DON

May 17, 2016

In a May 17, 2016 memo, the DON CIO issued updated guidance for acquiring commercial cloud services in the DON. The updated memo amends May 15, 2015 guidance titled, "Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services." This memo delegates final approval authority for Navy and Marine Corps commercial cloud services business case analyses (BCAs) to the DON Deputy CIO (Navy) and DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps). DON ...

Updated Guidance on Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services Released

January 5, 2015

A Department of Defense Chief Information Officer memo published Dec. 15, 2014, significantly changed DoD CIO guidance on the acquisition and use of commercial cloud computing services. Per the memo, Components may now acquire cloud services directly, without going through DISA, if a business case analysis demonstrates that doing so results in better value. The Components remain responsible for determining what data and ...

Submit BCA to Initiate Enterprise Mobility or Cloud Service Pilots

August 1, 2013

On July 31, 2013, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the memo, "Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Service Pilot Project Governance," which states that any organization planning to initiate a new Enterprise Mobility (EM) or Cloud Service pilot must submit an enterprise information technology standard business case analysis (BCA), or an abbreviated BCA, justifying the initiative to the appropriate ...

IT Vendor Business Case Analyses: Driving Savings Today and Sustaining Relationships in the Future

by Floyd Groce, Brian Fischbeck and Behrad Mahdi - May 11, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) have undertaken a number of initiatives that have important implications for the future of the DON business IT environment. Specifically, the DON Enterprise Software Licensing (ESL) IPT developed business case analyses (BCAs) that provide enterprise-level visibility of how much money ...

DON Standard BCA Template Updated

July 26, 2011

An update to the Department of the Navy Standard Business Case Analysis Template, as well as a new user guide, is now available on the DON Chief Information Officer website.


DoD IT BCA and DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA Templates

August 13, 2015

The DoD Information Technology Business Case Analysis (BCA) Template and the DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA template, are used to provide fact-based information to support a recommended course of action for IT related projects or acquisitions. BCAs are required in accordance with DoD CIO memo: "Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case," as well the DON BCA policy, ...

Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template

October 23, 2014

As established in the DoD CIO memo "Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis," the Enterprise IT BCA Template, available for download below, must be used to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments.