Panel: Presidential Management Fellows

March 23, 2016

UNT Dallas College of Law welcomed Marshall Gandy, Jamika Hilliard, Sean McGonigle, and Shamoil Shipchandler to campus on March 23, 2016 for the “Meet and Greet Marshall Gandy & Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Panel.” Mr. Gandy serves as the Senior Officer and Associate Regional Director for the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations in the Fort Worth Regional Office of the SEC.  

Jamika Hilliard and Sean McGonigle are two of Mr. Gandy’s recent PMF hires. The PMF program provides a two year appointment for law students following their graduation with one of many participating federal agencies. The appointment includes full salary and benefits as well as leadership training. At the completion of the PMF program, fellows may receive offers to remain with the federal agency. Mr. McGonigle mentioned that after his two year PMF program appointment, he received an offer to remain at the SEC which he accepted.

Mr. Gandy advised students that are applying to the PMF program to apply early and be enthusiastic.  “The PMF Program is the best kept secret in the federal government,” he noted. In order to ensure career growth, Mr. Gandy encouraged students to focus on integrity, seek out a mentor, and not be afraid to step out of you comfort zone to confront new challenges.

Ms. Hilliard stated that knowledge is key in order to excel during interviews for the PMF program. She told students to always do their “due diligence” and perform extensive research on the federal agency they are selected to interview with. Mr. McGonigle agreed about the importance of research prior to interviews and told students that he received the call for his interview while he was studying for the bar examination. He said in his role at the SEC as a PMF fellow, he really hit the ground running and did not feel like an intern at all.

John VanBuskirk, a second year law student, said he was pleased to learn about the SEC as well the PMF program. He stated, “Until now, I was unaware that the PMF program provided opportunities to earn fellowships with such a wide variety of governmental entities.”  

For more information about the PMF program and how to apply please see the following link:

Page last modified on April 12, 2016 at 11:07 am.