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U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in Action

An Open and Secure Internet: We Must Have Both

Secretary Kerry (May 18): "It matters to all of us how the technology is used and how it's governed. That is precisely why the U.S. considers the promotion of an open and secure internet to be a key component of our foreign policy." Full Text» Trip Page»

Date: 05/18/2015 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry delivers a speech about Internet freedom and cybersecurity on May 18, 2015, before an audience at Korea University in Seoul, Republica of Korea. - State Dept Image

U.S.-Republic of Korea Alliance

Secretary Kerry (May 18): "The U.S.-Republic of Korea alliance first grew out of the shared desire to address security concerns in the region. And … our security alliance and overall relationship is absolutely stronger than ever." Full Text» Trip Page»

Date: 05/18/2015 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry addresses reporters during a news conference after a bilateral meeting with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se on May 18, 2015, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul, South Korea. - State Dept Image

The United States and China

Secretary Kerry (May 16): "Today our nations are collaborating to address not just bilateral and regional matters, but some of the most complex global challenges that the world has ever seen." Full Text» More»Trip Page»

Date: 05/16/2015 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry addresses reporters as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi listens at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing, China, following a bilateral meeting on May 16, 2015. - State Dept Image

In Other News

Daily Press Briefing: Secretary's Travel

Director Rathke (May 18): "The Secretary ... will visit Seattle tomorrow and will give remarks about the strategic and economic importance of trade." Full Text» More»

Deportation of Crimean Tatars

Director Rathke (May. 18): "Today, Crimean Tatars mark the 71st anniversary of the Soviet Government's forcible deportation of more than 230,000 Tatars from their homeland." Full Text»

Special Representative Stetson's Travel

Special Representative for Global Food Security Nancy Stetson travels to Milan, Italy, May 18-21. More»

Trans-Pacific Partnership

On May 19, Secretary Kerry will visit the Seattle area to deliver a speech to both a domestic and international audience about the strategic and economic importance of trade. More»

Travel to Moscow

U.S. Special Envoy for Syria Daniel Rubinstein traveled to Moscow on May 18 to meet with a range of senior Russian counterparts. More»

Belarus Human Rights & Democracy Dialogue

On May 14, U.S. and Belarusian officials met in Washington to discuss human rights, civil society, and democracy. More»


Date: 05/01/2015 Description: Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2015: Aisha Naseem - State Dept Image
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have forged a proud legacy that reflects the spirit of our Nation. More»

Date: 02/21/2013 Description: BusinessUSA Logo © GSA Image
BusinessUSA is the U.S. Government's official web portal to support business start-ups, growth, financing, and exporting.

Date: 2015 Description: USA Pavilion, Milan Expo 2015, American Food 2.0   © [USA Pavilion photo]
USA Pavilion at Milan Expo

The USA Pavilion at Milan Expo highlights America’s contributions to food security, sustainability, and innovation. More»

Date: 03/28/2014 Description: Department of State by State Map - State Dept Image
State by State Map

The State by State Map details the work of the Department in each U.S. State, and all for about 1% of the Federal budget. More»

Date: 01/31/2015 Location: Monrovia, Liberia Description: The Monrovia Medical Unit treats health workers that contract the virus in the line of duty. Photo by Neil Brandvold, USAID © USAID Image
Ebola Response

The United States is working with international partners to help respond to and contain the outbreak of the Ebola virus. More»

Date: 2014 Description: The United States Partners With the HALO Trust and its Team of Experts to Rid Mozambique and Zimbabwe of the Threat of Landmines and Unexploded Ordinance - State Dept Image
Mine Awareness Day

To Walk the Earth in Safety summarizes the accomplishments of the U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Program. More»


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