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Volunteer in the Library

Volunteers are a critical part of the Library's success. The minimum age for volunteering is 12. It's a great way for teens and adults to give back to the community and support the Library. When sharing your time and talents with Library staff, you will be able to work flexible schedules. Volunteer jobs may include:
  • Shelving returned Library materials
  • Assisting the cataloging department with processing materials
  • Assisting with special programs/events
  • Data entry
  • Making copies and compiling forms and brochures
  • General housekeeping activities
  • Assisting with the Summer Reading Club

You can register to become a Library volunteer through Volunteer Southlake. After registering online, please allow up to 3 weeks for the completion of your registration and background check (17 & up). You will be notified when authorization is complete and you can schedule your volunteer hours.

Please contact the Library's Volunteer Liaison, Maria Cameron, by email or by phone at (817)-748-8247 if you have questions about your registration or to schedule your volunteer appointments or to ask questions about this program.

Friends of the Southlake Library

Friends of the Southlake Library (FOSL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of the Southlake Public Library. The group raises money for specific needs, recruits volunteers for library programs, and generally promotes use and support of the Library. Activities include book sales, book and periodical adoption drives, and other fund-raisers. For information on FOSL, please contact Ailene Tubbesing.