Review & Outlook


  • Faith at the Finish Line in Boston

    By Jennifer Graham
    Barred from the chaotic scene of the bombing, priests nonetheless found ways to provide solace.

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    The Changing Bird Flu Threat

    By Tevi Troy
    Why China and the U.S. may be better equipped today for a pandemic than a decade ago.

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    North Korea's Kidnappers and the Fate of David Sneddon

    By Melanie Kirkpatrick
    Pyongyang has admitted abducting Japanese citizens. Was a missing Brigham Young student also seized?

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    Of Lab Mice and Men

    By Anne Jolis
    Animal-rights activists launch a rodent rescue—and set back research that might help cure Alzheimer's or autism.

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    The Pandora's Box of Poland

    By Matthew Kaminski
    Half a continent was waking from a long sleep and finally looking at its bloody past.

Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson

  • A video series produced by the Hoover Institution.

  • John Taylor

    The Stanford economist explains why this recovery is so slow.

  • Gov. Scott Walker

    The Wisconsin reformer takes on ObamaCare.

  • Sen. Ted Cruz

    The Texas Republican shakes up the Senate.

  • Rupert Murdoch

    News Corp.'s chairman and CEO is splitting the company.

Online Extra

  • Make Government Less Taxing

    By Pete du Pont
    Our returns don't have to be this unhappy.

  • Political Diary

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    Right Delay, Wrong Reason

    By Mary Kissel
    Senator Tom Harkin cancels a subcommittee hearing to silence a witness harmed by Labor Secretary nominee Tom Perez's legal quid pro quo.

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    Homeless Bill of Rights

    By Allysia Finley
    Another brilliant idea from California progressives

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    Hillary's Benghazi Baggage

    By Jason L. Riley
    A House report on the Libya consulate attacks points fingers

Best of the Web Today

  • [image]

    To Serve Woman

    By James Taranto
    Do female Ivy League graduates have a "duty" to work outside the home?
    Tuesday 4:33 p.m. ET

International Editions

Leisure & Arts


Political Diary


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    All Three Networks Ramp Up Push for Gun Control, Tout Obama's 'Urgent Plea'

    By Scott Whitlock
    From the Media Research Center

  • The Journal Editorial Report

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    A transcript of the weekend's program:

    The case for gridlock. Plus Democrats stymie gun-control efforts, and Beyoncé and Jay-Z go to Cuba. Tune in this weekend for more: FOX News Channel, Saturday 2 p.m. and Sunday 3 p.m. ET.

    The Journal Editorial Report Podcast.

    (This iTunes link is compatible with Internet Explorer 7, Safari and Firefox browsers.)

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  • We speak for free markets and free people, the principles, if you will, marked in the watershed year of 1776 by Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations." So over the past century and into the next, the Journal stands for free trade and sound money; against confiscatory taxation and the ukases of kings and other collectivists; and for individual autonomy against dictators, bullies and even the tempers of momentary majorities.

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