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Great seal of the United States

The National Atlas of the United States of America® was originally published in 1970 and was revitalized in 1997. Since the beginning, the participation of many agencies of the Federal government has been crucial to the successful development of the National Atlas. The U.S. Congress recognized that no single government agency could deliver an atlas that is truly national in scope and breadth when it assigned the U.S. Geological Survey to direct the project. That's why so many Federal producers of reliable and authoritative geographic information have joined in developing National Atlas products and services. Included in the Atlas are documented geospatial datasets, articles and dynamic maps that tell the stories behind the data, Web services, page-sized downloadable maps, and traditional wall maps.

If you work for the Federal government learn how your agency, Organization, or program can benefit from participating in the National Atlas.


National Atlas Partners

The following Federal organizations are cooperating in the production of
The National Atlas of the United States of America®


U.S. Forest Service
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service


U.S. Bureau of the Census
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Geographic Data Committee

Health and Human Services

National Center for Health Statistics
National Cancer Institute

Library of Congress


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Regulation, and Enforcement
National Park Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement
Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program
Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics

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Participate in the Development of the National Atlas!

Atlas partner logos

Here's why agencies are participating in the production of the National Atlas:

  • The National Atlas is an integrator of information. Its varied geospatial information products provide partners with a broad and flexible platform to deliver coherent geographic information about America today.

  • It increases the public's recognition and understanding of agency missions and programs and heightens awareness of issues important to participating organizations.

  • The Atlas allows participants to demonstrate the relevance of their programs through the generation of integrated products that enhance the public's understanding of national conditions and trends.

  • Duplicative efforts to collect data and to develop data display and delivery systems can be reduced or eliminated.

  • The National Atlas directly promotes the construction of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure by adhering to published standards for data documentation, access, and delivery.

  • The National Atlas can supplement an organization's primary means of publishing and distributing its national spatial data and geographic information.

  • With its public focus, the National Atlas enables government organizations to reach enormous and influential audiences beyond their traditional customers.

  • The National Atlas delivers flagship products that enhance the public perception and reputation of all participants.

  • Each organization defines its role in the National Atlas and determines which products and services best advance its strategic agenda.

  • Web traffic to is high and a public expectation has been built that geographic information from all Federal producers is essential to a comprehensive view and understanding of the Nation.

  • The experienced staff of the National Atlas provides technical support for any organization's data compilation, integration, and documentation efforts.

  • National Atlas staff members maintain accurate, authoritative, and integrated small-scale cartographic frameworks that directly support the map making needs of Federal data producers.

  • Small-scale frameworks are being integrated with similar data from Canada and Mexico, thus creating the foundation for authoritative, accurate continental mapping applications.

  • The National Atlas can deliver your information to any open catalog, mapping system or clearing house, including Data.Gov, Google Earth, GEOSS, and many others.

  • Finally, the National Atlas represents a practical partnership opportunity to deliver on the promise of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure to collect information once that supports many uses. Active participation is an effective way to demonstrate that your organization supports an open government that works better and costs less."

Contributions to the National Atlas from government partners may differ by organization, program, or project. Here are some of the ways in which agencies and individuals have engaged in the development of the National Atlas.

  • contributed data and documentation;

  • provided contacts with data producers and experts who are knowledgeable about the content and applications of their data;

  • furnished narrative content, articles, and dynamic maps to convey additional information about their programs and projects;

  • offered assistance in appropriate methods to reduce and generalize these data;

  • developed or suggested products that highlight the importance of their data collection and analysis activities;

  • supplied support and advice on optimal digital and graphic presentations of their information; and

  • actively promoted the goals and objectives of the National Atlas within their organization.

For more information on participating in the National Atlas, please contact Mr. Jay Donnelly in Reston, Virginia, at (703) 648-5395; email

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