Long-Range Priorities

As part of its agency mission concerning long-range planning, DEQ has been seeking stakeholder input on the question, “What environmental and energy issues, if not addressed in the near future, will be of greatest concern to you and your constituencies in the next 30 to 50 years?” 

The process of gaining stakeholder answers to this question began with interviews of approximately 50 environmental leaders across the state. Their input became the basis for “Envisioning Our Future” breakout-session discussions and electronic surveys at Environment Virginia 2013. Results of the interviews, breakout sessions, and electronic surveys are now available. Check out this new information and become part of the “next steps” in “Envisioning Our Future.”

If you are new to this discussion, we invite you to complete the Long-Range Priorities survey and the Next Steps in Implementing Priorities survey.

Envisioning Our Future

Take the surveys NOW!

If you would like to add your voice to the feedback DEQ has received concerning long-range environmental and energy priorities, please take the two surveys.

Long-Range Priorities

Next Steps in Implementing Priorities

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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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