PREP Database Files

DEQ has provided data from the agency’s Pollution Response Program database. Three files are contained in the self-extracting zip file presented below. The first file, i_prep_data.txt, contains key information concerning the PREP database data. This file is best viewed in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. The second file, 'prepdata.txt, contains PREP database data in ASCII tab-delimited format for PREP incidents from October 1, 2009 to the present. . The third file, “prepdata_prior_to_10012009.txt” contains PREP database data in ASCII tab-delimited format for PREP incidents prior to October 1, 2009.

In order to perform search and queries on this data, you will need to import the prepdata.txt or prepdata_prior_to_10012009.txt files into a spreadsheet or database program such as Excel or ACCESS. All major programs include file import and export capabilities. Please refer to the documentation that accompanies your program for the procedure to import a tab delimited ASCII file. Please DO NOT call DEQ with data import or computer related questions.

If this data is distributed in any form, VaDEQ should be referenced as the data source. The following statement should also be included with any distribution of this data: "DEQ does not certify this data to be all inclusive or complete. This data is provided to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia free of charge for informational purposes only." 

*** PLEASE NOTE: DEQ does not maintain files (physical or electronic) for PREP incidents that have been closed for more than five years. ***        
If you have specific questions regarding the interpretation of field descriptions, you should contact the appropriate DEQ Pollution Response program staff. contains all the files needed to view the current PREP database Winzip Format

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Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
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