Training & Certification

The Virginia General Assembly has transferred training and certification responsibilities for Erosion & Sediment Control (ECS), Stormwater Management (SWM), and Responsible Land Disturber (RLD) from the Department of Conservation & Recreation to DEQ.  For a comparison of the statutory sections, please see the document entitled: crosswalk.

The most immediate change that stakeholders will experience is how people enroll in classes.

Course Enrollment Procedure

Paper forms will no longer be accepted for enrolling in courses after July 1, 2013.  Local, state and federal government officials, private developers, contractors and consultants must now use DEQ's online Learning Management System, called the Knowledge Center (KC) to enroll in ESC and SWM classroom courses.

In order to use the KC you must create a user profile (see KC User Profile Instructions below). 

Why Online Enrollment

By eliminating paper registration forms and saving administrative time, DEQ training staff will use that time to increase the quantity and quality of training materials designed, developed and delivered to stakeholders.  

Through online enrollment participants are guaranteed a spot in classes (pending receipt of payment).  As soon as payment is received, your enrollment will be confirmed.  Furthermore, the Knowledge Center (KC) offers additional features for participants such as managing training transcripts, managing contact details, printing completion certificates, and launching free online learning.

KC User Profile Instructions

Please see "how to create your KC profile" instructions below in pdf format.  A company which wish to enroll workers on their behalf can also do so by creating separate profiles for workers who will need training.   

  • How to create your KC profile (pdf)

No Email?

Please consider signing up for a free internet email address (from,, or for example) so you will be able to receive automatic email messages from the KC. and manage your own KC profile.

However, if you don't want an email address in the KC, you can change your communication preferences to "My Messages" instead.  System messages (including enrollment instructions) will be sent to your KC Message Box instead of email.  See "My Messages" setup instructions below in pdf or video format.

Payment Options

DEQ will accept credit card payments for course enrollments.  Checks and IATs will still be accepted, but credit card is preferred.

Once you have enrolled in a class though the Knowledge Center (KC), you will receive an email (or a "my message") with further instructions on how to pay via credit card (fastest method), or how to pay via check, or Inter-Agency-Transfer.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions get frequently asked by the public.  DEQ has developed a frequently asked questions document depending whether the category is for erosion certificates, RLD, or course cancelation.

Please check those documents for answers to your questions and if you still need assistance, you can email us at: 

Office of Training Services Contacts

Role    Phone
Training Manager Kevin Vaughan (804) 698-4470
Training Instructor Jan Briede (804) 698-4386
Training Instructor Tammy Cohen (804) 698-4368
Training Instructor Bob Ehrhart (804) 698-4466
Training Instructor Lisa Hardy (804) 698-4357
Training Instructor Ken Harper (804) 698-4296
Training Coordinator Robin Merkle (804) 698-4052
Training Coordinator Kim Seckman (804) 698-4375
Training Coordinator Marilee Tretina (804) 698-4506


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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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