Clean Water Financing & Assistance

Programs Overview

The Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF), previously known as the Virginia Revolving Loan Fund, was created in 1987. The Department of Environmental Quality, on behalf of the State Water Control Board (SWCB), manages the VCWRLF, administering the policy aspects of the Fund, receiving applications and providing funding recommendations to the SWCB. The Virginia Resources Authority (VRA) serves as the financial manager of the Fund.

Initially, the VCWRLF included a single program which was established to provide financial assistance in the form of low-interest loans to local governments for needed improvements at publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities and/or collection systems. In 1999, 2001 and 2003 the scope of VCWRLF activity was expanded by the State Water Control Board and DEQ implemented additional programs to provide low interest loans related to agricultural and other non-point source water quality issues. The following loan programs are now operated within the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund.

Wastewater Loan Program

Loans provided to Virginia local governments to assist with wastewater treatment plant and/or collection system improvements. Localities may apply for a loan from the VCWRLF Wastewater Loan Program for any expansion, upgrade, extension, replacement, repairs, rehabilitation, and/or additions to publicly-owned wastewater collection and treatment facilities; construction of any needed new facility or new conveyance system; and any planning and/or design costs associated with the above improvements.

Agricultural BMP Loan Program

Loans provided to Virginia farmers to assist with implementation expenses relating to any of 22 structural Best Management Practices (BMP) which are designed to improve water quality in the Commonwealth.

Brownfield Loan Program

Loans provided to local governments, public authorities, partnerships or corporations for activities undertaken at Brownfield sites, as defined in §10.1 1230, for the purpose of reducing ground water contamination or reducing risk to public health.

Land Conservation Loan Program

Loans provided to local governments or holders, as defined in §10.1-1009 of the Code of Virginia, for acquiring fee simple title or permanent conservation or open space easements that (1) protect or improve water quality and prevent the pollution of state waters, and (2) protect the natural or open-space values of the property or assure its availability for agricultural, forestal, recreational, or open-space use.

Storm Water Loan Program

Loans provided to local governments for the construction of facilities or structures or implementation of best management practices that reduce or prevent pollution of state waters caused by storm water runoff from impervious surfaces.

Water Quality Improvement Fund

Currently, project eligibility is limited to design and installation of nutrient reduction technology at Chesapeake Bay watershed publicly owned wastewater treatment plants.  The DEQ Director is required to sign an agreement with all eligible applicants with one exception.  The Director may defer a grant if it is determined that the use of nutrient credits in accordance with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Credit Exchange Program (§ 62.1-44.19:12 et seq.) would be significantly more cost-effective than the installation of nutrient controls for the facility in question.

Detailed information regarding any of the Virginia Clean Water Financing and Assistance programs can be obtained by contacting:

Walter A. Gills, Program Manager
Department of Environmental Quality
Clean Water Financing & Assistance Program
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, Virginia  23218
Telephone: (804) 698-4133
Email: Walter A. Gills

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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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