Forms Library

The forms library contains all forms required by the functional areas of the BSC. Instructions may be in the form description or on the form itself.

Search for a form by selecting the BSC Area from the drop-down menu, or by using a keyword.

BSC Area Form Description

Tax exemption form for the rental of a motor vehicle. Applicable for all institutions.


The Central Services Department at UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) has developed a form for the purchase of controlled assets at UNTHSC. The Purchases for Controlled Assets Form must be used when a department uses a Purchasing Card (PCard) to acquire “Controlled” equipment that is required by the State Comptroller and UNTHSC to be maintained on the UNTHSC asset management system.

Payments & Travel

Employees may be reimbursed for expenses related to Social Organization memberships to the extent the Social Organization membership has been approved and expenses are incurred while conducting System or Institution business.


BSC Feedback - Let us know how we are doing - If we didn’t exceed your expectations, we need to know so we can improve. (All)


Contracted Workforce Form A  - HSC - Contracted Workforce procurements are typically in four categories:  Temporary workers supplied by staffing companies, Independent contractors, Consultants and Contracted Services to be performed by the vendor.  Use the appropriate form and attach it electronically to the requisition. (Purchasing)


Request Rush PO - The BSC generally processes requisitions within 3-5 days of receipt.  However, the BSC is not able to take any action on a requisition until all approvals have been obtained. If you need a requisition rushed to purchase order within two days or less, use this form to send an e-mail to the purchasing group. Do not complete this form until the requisition has been approved by the DeptId/ProjId holder in EIS. The purchasing group can take NO action until approvals have been obtained. (Purchasing)


ePro DeptID Holder Information Sheet - HSC - Use this form to submit information about the DeptID/ProjID Holder to the BSC. (Purchasing)


If you need to make a change once a purchase order had been dispatched, you will need to submit a change order using this form. Change order's require dept ID holder notification. By including their e-mail address in the form below, a copy is automatically routed to them.


Ask Purchasing - Use this form to ask your purchasing questions. (Purchasing)

Payments & Travel, Purchasing

Request Rush Payment - Payment is typically made to the vendor within 30 days after receipt of a properly prepared invoice or the receipt of and acceptance of goods ordered, whichever is later.  If you need to arrange payment for a requisition within 30 days or less, indicate your timeline in the justification/comments section of the requisition, and then complete this form after the DeptID/ProjID holder approves the requisition. (Payment, Purchasing)

Payments & Travel, Purchasing

If you have a question about an encumbrance on your COGNOS report, use this form to send an e-mail to the purchasing team.  Be sure to include the requisition #, purchase order #, and/or voucher # which can be found on the COGNOS report. (Payments, Purchasing)

Payments & Travel

1099 Inquiry - Use this form to ask a question about 1099-Misc form or to notify the Business Service Center of a change in mailing address. (Payments)


Formal Solicitation Request - complete this form and attach it to requestions marked RFQ. (Purchasing)


Sole Source Form/Proprietary Purchase Justification Form - Complete this form and attach it electronically to your requisition. Sole source purchases are not permitted except when clearly and thoroughly justified. (Purchasing)

Human Resources

Minor Employment Consent - Should be submitted wth hiring paperwork for anyone under the age of 18. (Human Resources)

Payments & Travel

Ask Payments - Use this form to submit a payment status question to the Payment Section of the BSC. (Payments)

Payments & Travel

Hotel Occupancy Tax Form - Use this form when traveling within the state of Texas.  Present the certificate to the lodging establishment upon check-in.  Travelers are exempt from State Occupancy Tax.  If the hotel denies the exemption, the traveler must state that fact on their travel reimbursement voucher in order to be reimbursed. The Deptid/Projid will be charged for the tax amount. (Payments)


Request Click Wrap Approval - PCard - UNT, UNTD, and UNTS - Use this form to submit a click wrap agreement to a contract specialist for PCard purchase approval. (Purchasing)

Client Services

Supervisory Skills Certification Tracking Form - Use this form to track the training courses you have attended toward earning the Supervisory Skills Certification. Once all the necessary trainings have been completed, email a copy of the tracking form to the Business Service Center at for verification and to receive a certificate of completion. (Client Services)

Human Resources, Purchasing

Granting proxy and signature authority to another user is a serious matter and should be planned for well in advance. 

The person granting the rights should have full authority to do so as the DeptID/ProjID holder of the account.

The person being given the access should have been appropriately trained - for procurement or ePAR - and have previously had the necessary roles established to serve as the proxy.

The proxy form should only be completed by the DeptID/ProjID holders or their designee. You will be prompted to login with your EUID and password before the form is available to you.