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The Pediatric Department offers a wide range of medical services for patients – from newborns to young adults. Our physicians, physician assistants, and staff offer your children quality medical services ranging from well child preventive medical check-ups, acute care, chronic medical conditions, to immunizations. 


To meet your children’s medical care needs we provide patient care services at two locations in the city of Fort Worth:

Patient Care Center Clinic
University of North Texas Health Science Center Main Campus
855 Montgomery
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Medical Providers:

Dr. Kathryn Edwards

Dr. Nusrath Habiba

Dr. Raheela Hafeez

Dr. Sarah Matches

Dr. John Podgore

Physician Assistants:

Deborah Alexander

Christopher Cooper

Lauren Dobbs

Laura Mattingly


  How to make an appointment:

Patient Care Center

UNT Health  Pediatric Clinic

855 Montgomery –

Central Appointments: (817) 735-2363

                               Fax: (817) 735-2653

Clinic Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 am to 8 p.m.

                  (phones answered 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)  


After Hours or Weekend Phone Number:

        UNTHSC Pediatric Clinic (817) 735-2363



UNT Health Science Center Main Phone Number:

       (817) 735-2000


Billing Concerns:

       (817) 547-9565

This page was last updated on 12/14/2010 12:03:11 PM
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