UNT System

UNT System

Office of General Counsel


Contracts are an essential element of much of the business that takes place at the University of North Texas System, the University of North Texas, and the University of North Texas Health Science Center. All contracts entered into by the System, UNT or UNTHSC must comply with State of Texas requirements, and adhere to the requirements of the Regents Rules and the applicable policies of the System Administration, UNT, and UNTHSC. Key among these requirements is that all contracts must be: (a) in the name of the System or a component institution (not in the name of a department or an individual); (b) in writing; (c) reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Office of General Counsel (unless otherwise exempt); and (d) signed by an individual with appropriate authority to bind the System or the component institution entering into the contract. In addition to requiring review by the Office of General Counsel, contracts may also require review by the purchasing department and/or the sponsored research/grants office.

For information regarding contracts, please visit the links on the right of this page, or refer to the Contracting Handbook, published by the Office of General Counsel, which also can be found among the links. For information in addition to that provided on this site, please contact the Office of General Counsel.

UNT System Administration Contract Procedure
UNT Contract Procedure
UNTHSC Contract Procedure (in work)
What is a Contract?
Tips for Basic Purchase Contracts
Legal Review of Contracts
Contracts Exempt from Legal Review
Contract Checklist
State Contracting Requirements
Standard Addendum
Standard and Model Contracts
Delegated Authority
Contracting Handbook


"University of North Texas," "UNT," "Discover the power of ideas" and their associated identity marks, as well as the eagle and talon graphic marks, are official trademarks of the University of North Texas; their use by others is legally restricted. If you have questions about using any of these marks, please contact the Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing at (940) 565-2108 or e-mail branding@untsystem.edu. © 2012 University of North Texas System.