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About Us

We specialize in total health care for the entire family.

Our family practice clinic has the experienced staff and modern equipment necessary to perform a full range of services including laboratory tests, osteopathic manipulative therapy, and minor surgical procedures.

We also offer international travel medicine and psychological services including psychotherapy, weight management, stress management, smoking cessation, and a memory clinic. Some of our clinics offer OMT, Vaccinations for Children Program, Well-Women and Well-Men exams, sports medicine, and patient education, please contract your clinic to see if they provide these services.


When you need to refill a prescription from one of the clinic providers, please contract your pharmacy and inform them to fax a prescription refill to you clinic.


All medical records maintained at our clinic are the property of the clinic.


Many times it is helpful for our providers to have records or medical tests from other providers you have seen. We will ask you to sign a written request for these records, and we will mail it to your previous provider. If you want copies of your medical records or need copies sent to another physician, you must sign a request to release your record or send us a signed, dated authorization letter and provide the address for mailing.

This page was last updated on 9/12/2012 1:50:01 PM
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