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Well-being may be thought of as a sense of satisfaction with one's health, circumstances and lifestyle. A child's sense of comfort, trust in their parents or caregivers, hope for the future, feelings of security and of being loved come from the respect and caring they are shown in the family circle. Family interactions are more important than economic situations, unforeseen stresses or temporary upheavals in a child's life. Children are able to successfully overcome adversity with the love, understanding and acceptance of a supportive family.
  • Good physical, mental and emotional health all go hand-in-hand to create a sense of well-being.
  • Children need to feel special and cared about by their family and friends.
  • Children who enjoy a strong feeling of well-being can approach new situations with confidence.
  • Self-esteem can be described as a sense of self-confidence, self-respect and self-acceptance. It comes from a feeling of being loved and accepted by others and by the child being able to do tasks and solve problems on her own.
  • Children with good self-esteem have a positive attitude about them and are able to approach life's challenges in a more positive manner. They will generally have greater success at anything they undertake. They will be rewarded throughout life with a more profound feeling of satisfaction and enduring happiness. They will be more eager learners, have more friends and build happy, healthy relationships throughout life.
  • Parents and teachers share the responsibility of building a child's self-esteem. It is important for both to establish healthy communication with the child under their care. In doing so, they will build a trusting, and long-lasting relationship with the child.
  • Healthy communication is the kind that creates a strong two-way bridge between adult and child. It helps the child:
    • Feel cared for and loved
    • Feel safe and not alone with her worries
    • Learn to tell an adult what she needs and feels  
    • Learn how to manage her feelings safely.
  • Parents and teachers should:
    • Be available
    • Be a good listener
    • Show empathy (understanding and appreciating her feelings)
    • Be a good role model (be the kind of person you want the child to be).
  • Happiness is a subjective feeling of satisfaction or contentment with one's life. This pervasive mood may be closely related to temperament - some individuals are generally happy, while others are generally gloomy or dour.
  • Temperament may be largely inherited, but circumstances and environment play a role as well.
  • Many parents have noticed temperament differences in their children within the same family.
  • Parents cannot guarantee happiness for their children; they can, however, encourage positive feelings within the scope of the child's temperament.
It is clear that parents can do much to ensure the health and well-being of their children. Teachers, grandparents and other relatives can also have a great impact. When adults, who are entrusted with the care of a child, have a good understanding of healthy nutrition, immunizations, fitness, safety and the general well-being of children the long-term outlook for the child is significantly enhanced.
This page was last updated on 2/15/2008 10:09:50 AM
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