Sequestration is a set of automatic budget cuts proposed by the President set to take place on March 1, 2013. These cuts, totaling $1.2 trillion, will be divided among various defense and domestic programs. [more »]
3/19/13 Republican Leadership Press Conference
3/19/13 GOP Leadership Press Conference This week, House Republicans will vote on our balanced budget, the "Path to Prosperity." We'll vote to cut wasteful spending and reform government in a responsible way, n...
Weekly Republican Address 3/16/13: Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Weekly GOP Address 3/16/13: Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) In this week's address, Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) discusses House Republicans' responsible plan to balance our budget in 10 years. Next week, we'll vote ...
3/13/13 Republican Leadership Press Conference
3/13/13 GOP Leadership Press Conference Today, House Republicans met with President Obama to discuss the issues facing our nation. We remain committed to passing a balanced budget, which is crucial to creating ...
Your House
Your House The Capitol is still open for tours. Book one today at http://visitthecapitol.gov or contact your Member of Congress: http://gop.gov/contact
The Path to Prosperity | 3/12/13 Press Conference
The Path to Prosperity | 3/12/13 Press Conference Today, Republicans on the House Budget Committee unveiled their budget for FY2014. This responsible plan balances out budget in 10 years with spending cuts, government re...
Walk the Walk
Walk the Walk Every budget the President has submitted never balances. We agree with his talk of cutting wasteful spending and producing a responsible budget, but he can't walk the wal...
Rep. Rohrabacher at 1:09am
@1Biganimal until expanding debt taken seriously we're all doomed. The Dem controlled Senate hasn't even bothered to pass a budget for 4 yrs
Rep. Fitzpatrick at 4:18am
A great evening with John and Mary Rose Wolodzko as they welcomed their son Sean Wolodzko home from his service... http://t.co/bDhwzK9LdY
Rep. Goodlatte at 5:48am
RT @HouseJudiciary: HAPPENING SOON: At 9 PM ET, Chair @RepGoodlatte will be with @JeaninePirro on @FoxNews re: @DHS_ICE release of crimi ...