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  1. Speaker Boehner delivers The Weekly Republican Address on the House's action to avert the fiscal cliff. "We will continue to work with our colleagues in the Congress and the White House on a plan that protects families and small businesses," Boehner says. It's now up to Senate Democrats and the president to work with us.
  2. The president's rhetoric on cutting spending is just that—rhetoric. Take a look and share:
    Photo: The president's rhetoric on cutting spending is just that—rhetoric. Take a look and share:
  3. The president keeps calling for a balanced approach to averting the fiscal cliff, but his actions say otherwise. Check out and share the chart below:
    Photo: The president keeps calling for a balanced approach to averting the fiscal cliff, but his actions say otherwise. Check out and share the chart below:
  4. Watch and share highlights from our press conference: "The Effect of Debt on American Families"
  5. We are working to protect as many taxpayers as possible from tax hikes that will go into effect if the fiscal cliff is not averted. Catch today's press conference:
  6. “The horror of this day seems so unbearable, but we will lock arms and unite as citizens, for that is how Americans rise above unspeakable evil. Let us all come together in God’s grace to pray for the families of the victims, that they may find some comfort and peace amid such suffering. Let us give thanks for all those who helped get people to safety, and take heart from their example. The House of Representatives – like every American – stands ready to assist the people of Newtown, Connecticut.” - Speaker John Boehner
  7. We're listening to you, and working every day for jobs in America. Here's the first video in our series "Voices of America" from constituents in Waitsburg, Washington. Watch and share!
  8. As the debate over the fiscal cliff continues, House Republicans are fighting for the future of our children. We want them to grow up in an America where their opportunities are limitless, NOT limited. THAT is what these fiscal cliff negotiations are about -- people, not politics.
    Photo: As the debate over the fiscal cliff continues, House Republicans are fighting for the future of our children.  We want them to grow up in an America where their opportunities are limitless, NOT limited.  THAT is what these fiscal cliff negotiations are about -- people, not politics.
  9. We have put forth a balanced approach for dealing with the upcoming fiscal cliff. Mr. President, where are your spending cuts to deal with our $16 trillion debt?
  10. The president must address spending cuts as part of the solution to averting the fiscal cliff. We simply can't let the reckless spending continue with money we don't have. Take a moment to see why we're in this fight:
  11. We have proposed a plan to avert the coming fiscal cliff. If the president doesn't agree with that proposal, he has an obligation to submit a plan of his own that can pass both houses of Congress. We are willing and ready to work with the president to avoid this crisis.
  12. This year's Capitol Christmas Tree is an Englemann Spruce from the White River National Forest near Meeker, Colorado. It's now alight through December 26th and it stands 73 feet tall. Happy Holidays!
    Photo: This year's Capitol Christmas Tree is an Englemann Spruce from the White River National Forest near Meeker, Colorado. It's now alight through December 26th and it stands 73 feet tall. Happy Holidays!
  13. In case you missed it: House GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers discussed our credible plan to avert the fiscal cliff on MSNBC's Morning Joe. Watch and share!

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