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Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Federal Facilities Agreement
In 1990, the Department of the Navy (DON), Marine Corps, and regulatory agencies entered into a Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) for MCB Camp Pendleton. The FFA is a legally binding document that outlines the schedule for completing the investigation and clean up of sites at the Base. Parties to the FFA included the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the Department of the Navy (DON). The FFA specifies the working relationships among the Navy and each agency.

The parties to the FFA initially assigned the 74 identified Installation Restoration (IR) Sites at the base to four groups (Groups A, B, C, and D), based on each site's potential impact to human health and the environment. Those sites that potentially posed the most significant threat were placed into Group A and were investigated first, and those sites with the lowest potential for such impacts were placed into Group D and were investigated last. Subsequently, the IR Sites were divided into Operable Units (OUs) based on similarities, such as types of environmental issues, selected cleanup methods, and/or geographic location.

View the MCB Camp Pendleton IR Program FFA
Upcoming FFA Meeting Information
Upcoming FFA
Meeting Information

The 109th FFA Meeting
January 17, 2013
Pasadena, CA  
contact us for more information

Past FFA Meeting Minutes
The 108th FFA Meeting
September 17, 2012
Minutes & Attachments

107th FFA Meeting
May 10th, 2012
Minutes & Attachments

106th FFA Meeting
January 19th, 2012
Minutes & Attachments

105th FFA Meeting
September 15, 2011
Minutes & Attachments

104th FFA Meeting
May 19, 2011
Minutes & Attachments

103rd FFA Meeting
January 23, 2011
Minutes & Attachments

102nd FFA Meeting
November 4, 2010
Minutes & Attachments

101st FFA Meeting
August 19, 2010
Minutes & Attachments

100th FFA Meeting
May 20, 2010
Minutes & Attachments

99th FFA Meeting
March 19, 2010
Minutes & Attachments