Quality Assurance and Oversight

Management System Description:

Quality Assurance and Oversight

Management System Owner:  JOHN ADACHI
Secondary Management System Owner:   DAVID ALLEN
Point of Contact:   TRACY SIMS

| SCMS Home Page | Purpose | Responsibilities | Requirements | Subject Areas | Program Descriptions | References | Delegations | Revision History |

Issue Date: 03/15/2013
SCMS Revision:  4.5

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of the Quality Assurance (QA) and Oversight Management System is to provide a consistent approach to effectively and efficiently implement the Department’s QA and oversight policies/requirements throughout the Office of Science (SC). This QA and Oversight Management System Description (MSD) outlines the processes and procedures required for SC Federal employees to implement SC’s QA and oversight responsibilities. The SC QA and Oversight MSD does not replace, or replicate, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Directives on Quality Assurance and DOE Directive on Implementation of DOE Oversight Policy (see Section 4.0, "Requirements") . The SC QA and Oversight MSD, and its associated subject areas (SAs) and procedures, supports (1) the SC‑Wide Quality Assurance Program Description developed to address the DOE QA Directive; (2) the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description developed to address the DOE Oversight Directive, and (3) the Equivalency Authorization that substitutes the H Clause, Contractor Assurance System, for the Contractor Requirements Document (CRD) of DOE O 226.1B, Implementation of DOE Oversight Policy. (see Section 4.0, "Requirements"). While the QA and Oversight Management System establishes the consistent SC‑wide approach to implementing the Department’s oversight policies and directives, it does not provide the discipline specific criteria against which various activities, functions, or processes are evaluated when performing oversight. Such discipline specific criteria/information is provided in the applicable SC Management System. For example, the criteria for evaluation of the adequacy of safety programs is presented in the SC Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Management System.

2.0 Responsibilities

The table below represents roles and responsibilities specific to this Management System. For a detailed description of SCMS roles and responsibilities, please see the SCMS Roles and Responsibilities.



Director of the Office of Science (SC‑1)

SC‑1 is the senior SC Line Manager responsible for the quality of all SC work, regardless of whether the work is performed by Federal employees or contractors. SC‑1 has responsibilities and delegated authorities from the Secretary of Energy (S-1) for establishing expectations and programs for assuring the quality of the work of SC, and for assessing the achievement of expectations and the effectiveness of programs through comprehensive line management oversight. The primary QA and oversight responsibilities of SC‑1 are:
  • Establish and communicate quality and oversight program expectations to all SC organizational elements.
  • Ensure the development, approval, and implementation of Quality Assurance Programs (QAPs) governing work throughout SC.
  • Establish and implement an SC‑wide oversight program.
  • Ensure effective management of lessons learned and operating experience throughout SC.
  • Support the efforts of the Office of Enforcement and Oversight (HS‑40) within the Office of Health, Safety, and Security (HS‑1) by ensuring that their personnel are afforded access to sites, facilities, operations, personnel, documents, and records; and by ensuring responsiveness to independent oversight reports.
SC‑1 accomplishes these responsibilities through further delegations, as described below.

Deputy Director for Science Programs (SC‑2)

Exercising authorities delegated from SC‑1, SC‑2 is the SC Line Manager responsible and accountable to SC‑1 for the quality of the work of Federal employees under SC‑2’s cognizance, as well as for the quality of the scientific performance under SC’s cognizance. SC‑2 is also responsible and accountable to SC‑1 for ensuring that effective oversight is performed to evaluate the science conducted by the Laboratories and grantees. SC‑2 ensures implementation of the SC QA and Oversight MSD and its related program descriptions, SAs, and procedures throughout the SC elements under his or her cognizance. SC‑2 annually performs an evaluation of the Program Office Annual Assessment Reports (AARs) to identify any SC‑wide issues and/or opportunities for improvement.

Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC‑3)

Exercising authorities delegated from SC‑1, SC‑3 is the SC Line Manager responsible and accountable to SC‑1 for the quality of the work of Federal employees under SC‑3's cognizance, and for the quality of operations (i.e., facility and infrastructure operations and maintenance, protection of the health and safety of the public and workers, environmental protection, emergency management, safeguards and security, information management, cyber security, business management) at Laboratories under the cognizance of SC, regardless of whether the work is performed by Federal employees, contractors, or subcontractors. SC‑3 is also responsible and accountable to SC‑1 for ensuring that effective oversight of work performance is implemented. The primary QA and oversight responsibilities/authorities of SC‑3 are:
  • Appoint a Management System Owner (MSO) and a Secondary Management System Owner (SMSO) for the QA and Oversight Management System.
  • Review and approve, or delegate approval authority for this SC QA and Oversight MSD.
  • Ensure implementation of the SC QA and Oversight MSD, its related program descriptions (the SC Quality Assurance Program Description and the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description), SAs, and procedures, throughout the SC elements under his or her cognizance.
  • Serve as the senior DOE line management owner of the SC assurance process.
  • Set expectations for the SC Contractor Assurance System Peer Review process.
  • Approve members of the Contractor Assurance Peer Review Steering Committee and participate as a Steering Committee member.
  • Approve the Contractor Assurance System Peer Review schedule established by the Steering Committee.
  • Delegate to the SC Field Element Managers the authority to approve QAPs for the work under their purview.
  • Approve SC Field Element QAPs (if authority not delegated to FEM).
  • Maintain awareness of oversight/assessment activities of SC Field Elements by using the information (a) provided in each SC Field Element’s Annual Performance Plan, and (b) entered into the SC Integrated Assessment Schedule (IAS) [the SC ePegasus-based tool for scheduling, tracking, and storing assessment and issues information].
  • Designate an SC Operating Experience Program Coordinator as required by the DOE Directive on the DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program (DOE Operating Experience Directive) (see Section 4.0, "Requirements"); ensure effective lessons learned management at all SC sites.
  • Ensure that SC oversight personnel are afforded unfettered access to information, facilities, and personnel necessary to conduct effective oversight.
  • Annually prepare the SC‑3 Annual Performance Plan (APP).
  • Annually perform a self‑assessment of the performance against the goals and objectives contained in the APP, and document the self‑assessment in the SC‑3 AAR.
  • Annually review the SC Site Office and Integrated Support Center AARs to identify any SC‑wide issues and/or opportunities for improvement.
Support the efforts of HS‑40 within HS‑1 by ensuring that their personnel are afforded access to sites, facilities, operations, personnel, documents, and records; and by ensuring responsiveness to independent oversight reports.

Deputy Director for Resource Management (SC‑4)

Exercising authorities delegated from the Director of the Office of Science, the Deputy Director for Resource Management (DDRM) is the SC Line Manager responsible and accountable to the Director of Science for the quality of the work of Federal employees under the DDRM’s cognizance. The DDRM is also responsible and accountable to the Director of Science for ensuring that effective oversight is performed to evaluate resource management of the federal laboratories under SC’s cognizance. The DDRM ensures implementation of the SC QA and Oversight MSD and its related Program Descriptions, SAs, and procedures throughout the SC elements under his or her cognizance. The DDRM annually performs an evaluation of subordinate groups’ Annual Assessment Reports (AARs) to identify any SC‑wide issues and/or opportunities for improvement.

Associate Directors for Programs (ADs)

Exercising authorities delegated by the DDSP, the Associate Directors for Programs (ADs) are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable for the quality of the work of Federal employees assigned to them, and those that perform work for their programs through contracts and/or grants. The ADs are also responsible and accountable for the performance of effective oversight to evaluate the science conducted by the Laboratories and grantees. The primary QA and oversight responsibilities/authorities of the ADs are:

  • Ensure implementation of the SC QA and Oversight MSD and its related Program Descriptions, SAs, and procedures throughout their program office.

  • Provide input on program office oversight/assessment activities for the SC Integrated Assessment Schedule (IAS), and maintain a three‑year rolling assessment schedule in the ePegasus‑based SC‑IAS.

  • Annually prepare the Program Office APP.

  • Annually perform a self‑assessment of the performance against the goals and objectives contained in the APP, and document the self‑assessment in the Program Office AAR.

  • Ensure that any oversight of SC Management and Operating (M&O) contractors performed by their program office is coordinated through the cognizant SC Site Office Manager.

SC Site Office Managers

Exercising authorities delegated from SC‑3, the SC Site Office Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable to SC‑3 for the quality of the work of Federal employees assigned to them, and for the quality of operations at their Laboratory site regardless of whether the work is performed by Federal employees, contractors, or subcontractors. The SC Site Office Managers are also responsible and accountable to SC‑3 for ensuring that effective oversight of work performance is implemented. The primary QA and oversight responsibilities/authorities of the SC Site Office Managers are:

  • Ensure that all SC Site Office personnel implement the SC QA and Oversight MSD, its related program descriptions (the SC Quality Assurance Program Description and the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description), SAs, and procedures.
  • Assign a senior manager the responsibility, authority, and accountability to develop and direct the implementation of the Site Office specific QAP.
  • Approve the SC Site Office specific QAP.
  • Annually prepare the SC Site Office’s APP and submit it to SC‑3 for review.
  • Provide input on SC Site Office oversight/assessment activities for the ePegasus‑based SC‑IAS, and maintain a three‑year rolling assessment schedule in the SC‑IAS.
  • Ensure, through the Contracting Officer on their staff, that the CRD for the QA Order, and the SC CAS H Clause, are included in the contract between DOE and their Laboratory’s M&O Contractor.
  • Develop appropriate QA and oversight related expectations, and performance objectives and measures, for inclusion in the Performance Evaluation Management Plan (PEMP) for their Laboratory.
  • Review and approve their contractor’s QAP, and subsequent annual revisions of the QAP.
  • Review and approve the Contractor’s initial Assurance System Description. Once approved, determine whether subsequent changes/revisions of the Contractor Assurance System are of such significance that it would be prudent for the SC Site Office Manager to approve the updated Contractor Assurance System Description.
  • Ensure that oversight personnel are adequately qualified, and have unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for oversight.
  • Plan and perform sufficient line management oversight to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of the contractor’s QAP and Assurance System, and to assess the contractor’s performance regarding to the QA and oversight related goals, objectives, and measures of the PEMP. Site Office oversight of the contractor may include a mix of (a) oversight independent of contractor-led oversight activities, (b) joint Site Office – contractor oversight activities, and (c) observation of contractor oversight activities. Adjust the level and/or mix of Site Office oversight of contractor activities commensurate with the effectiveness of the Contractor Assurance System.
  • Identify and commit individual(s) to participate in contractor-led peer reviews of Contractor Assurance Systems. Serve as a member of at least one peer review team.
  • Coordinate with the SC ISC to obtain QA and/or oversight/assessment support, as needed.
  • Coordinate all assessments of the site contractor(s) performed by any SC element.
  • Periodically report oversight results/conclusions to SC‑3 to describe the effectiveness of Laboratory and SC Site Office QA and oversight implementation.
  • Ensure that Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are prepared and implemented. Conduct follow‑up reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of CAP implementation.
  • Designate a SC Site Office Operating Experience Program Coordinator as required by the DOE Operating Experience Directive; ensure the Laboratory implements effective lessons learned management.
  • Annually perform a self‑assessment of the SC Site Office’s performance against the goals and objectives contained in the APP, and document the self‑assessment in the SC Site Office's AAR. Submit the SC Site Office AAR to SC‑3.
  • Ensure the assurance system peer reviews or other external assessment activities (i.e., Inspector General [IG] reviews) are expedited by providing any necessary documents, physical access, access to key personnel or other items or materials needed by the peer review team.

Support the efforts of HS‑40 within the HS‑1 by ensuring that their personnel are afforded access to the site, facilities, operations, personnel, documents, and records; and by ensuring responsiveness to independent oversight reports.

SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Office Managers

Exercising authorities delegated from SC‑3, the SC ISC Office Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable to SC‑3 for the quality of the work of Federal employees assigned to them. The SC ISC Office Managers provide the SC Site Offices with technical and business management services that aid the SC Site Offices in achieving their quality standards, and with oversight and assessment services that aid the SC Site Offices in implementing their oversight efforts. The primary QA and oversight responsibilities/authorities of the SC ISC Office Managers are:

  • Ensure implementation of the SC QA and Oversight MSD, its related program descriptions (the SC Quality Assurance Program Description and the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description), SAs, and procedures, throughout their Office.
  • Assign a senior manager the responsibility, authority, and accountability to develop and direct the implementation of the ISC Office specific QAP.
  • Approve the SC ISC Office specific QAP.
  • Annually prepare the SC ISC's APP and submit it to SC‑3.
  • Ensure that QA and oversight personnel in the SC ISC staff possess the appropriate expertise and qualifications.
  • Review the ePegasus‑based SC‑IAS and coordinate with the SC Site Offices to schedule and provide the requested oversight/assessment support.
  • Annually perform a self‑assessment of the ISC Office’s performance against the goals and objectives contained in the APP, and document the self‑assessment in the ISC Office's AAR. Submit the AAR to SC‑3.
  • Ensure that Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are prepared and implemented. Conduct follow‑up reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of CAP implementation.

3.0 Management System Operation

3.1 Overview

SC implements QA to attain and maintain confidence that QA requirements and expectations have been achieved. The DOE QA Directive is applicable to all aspects of SC’s work, including the work performed on behalf of SC by contractors funded by SC. Quality improvement, which includes the use of lessons learned, is one of the Department’s QA criteria in the DOE QA Directive. DOE has issued the DOE Operating Experience Directive to address the management of lessons learned specific to the topic of ES&H protection. In addition to using Operating Experience for ES&H, SC management uses lessons learned and trending as tools to facilitate continuous improvement in all areas of SC operations.

SC implements oversight to maintain sufficient awareness of the status and adequacy of the work performed by SC staff and contractors. SC oversight may include a mix of (a) independent SC oversight of contractor activities, (b) joint SC – contractor oversight of contractor activities, and (c) SC observation of contractor oversight of contractor activities. The level and/or mix of SC line management oversight of contractor activities may be adjusted commensurate with the effectiveness of the contractor’s assurance system. The DOE Oversight Directive applies to the operations subjects of ES&H, safeguards and security, cyber security, and emergency management. The oversight applied to those aspects of operations is conducted in accordance with a formalized structured program.

Oversight activities, while perhaps less formal than that applied to the categories of work governed by the DOE Oversight Directive, are also applied to all other aspects of SC work, including business management functions; project management; facilities and infrastructure operations and maintenance; and scientific research.

Operational awareness functions are used to manage how SC Line Management maintains awareness of the adequacy of operations at its sites. This is accomplished through routine monitoring activities which include facility tours and walkthroughs, work observations, document and records reviews, meeting attendance and participation, and continual interactions with contractor workers, support staff, and management.

Issues management functions manage how SC captures the program and performance issues into a system for effective causal analysis, corrective and preventive action identification, and tracking to resolution.

Criteria and Review Approach Documents, or Lines of Inquiry documents, are tools that can aid in assessing specific areas of Contractor QA Program and Assurance System implementation effectiveness, as well as DOE SC Management (self) Assessments. Information on the effectiveness of Contractor QAP and Assurance System implementation are sent up the SC line management chain and to HS‑1.

The APP is used in the management and evaluation of SC performance by establishing and documenting performance goals and objectives for SC Elements. Performance is assessed against the commitments contained in the APP and the assessment results are documented in an AAR.

SC implements its Merit Review System to evaluate research grant applications and proposals as required by the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) on the Office of Energy Research Financial Assistance Program (see Section 6.0, "References"). New applications or proposals are received and assigned to an SC project manager (officer) who will initially screen the document(s) to assure they meet appropriate standards before they are subjected to detailed evaluation utilizing merit review. Those applications or proposals meeting the standards are subjected to formal merit review and evaluated against the evaluation criteria set forth in the CFR for Application Evaluation and Selection (see Section 6.0, "References").

The SC ADs sponsor peer reviews to assess the performance of the scientific programs that SC is funding at each of the SC Laboratories. Scientific peers are selected from DOE Laboratories, universities, and industry to serve on these peer reviews.

SC manages its major projects in accordance with the DOE Directive on Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets (see Section 6.0, "References"). SC's Office of Project Assessment performs independent assessment of major projects in accordance with the internal SC Handbook titled, "Office of Science Independent Project Review Handbook."

SC staff (1) ensure that QA and oversight requirements are followed by SC personnel; (2) ensure that QA and oversight requirements and expectations are formulated and placed into contracts; (3) perform oversight of contractor work to evaluate its adequacy; and (4) integrate and implement feedback and improvement mechanisms into the work to attain a culture of continuous improvement. SC ensures that its oversight personnel have the skill set needed to perform effective oversight and assessments.

The SC Site Office Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable to SC‑3 for the quality of operations at their Laboratory site, and for ensuring effective oversight of work performance is accomplished. All oversight activities performed by any SC element to assess contractor performance should be conducted on behalf of the SC Site Office Manager and must be coordinated through the SC Site Office.

This MSD, its related program descriptions (the SC Quality Assurance Program Description and the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description), and sub‑tier SAs and procedures delineate the SC programs for implementing QA and oversight.

3.2 Key Functions and Processes

3.2.1 Federal Quality Assurance and Oversight Quality Assurance

The SC Quality Assurance Program Description will delineate the SC‑wide program for implementing requirements set forth in the DOE QA Directive. It addresses the QA functions and responsibilities at the levels of Director, DDSP, DDFO, DDRM, ADs, Site Office Managers, and ISC Office Managers. The DOE QA Directive requires that each Field Element develop and maintain a QAP specific to that element. The QAPs of the SC Site Offices and ISC Offices must be consistent with the SC QA and Oversight MSD, the SC Quality Assurance Program Description, and the associated SAs and Procedures, as well as the requirements of DOE QA Directive. Oversight

The SC Line Management Oversight Program Description delineates the SC‑wide program for implementing the requirements set forth in the DOE Oversight Directive. It addresses the oversight functions and responsibilities at the levels of SC-1, SC‑2, SC‑3, SC‑4, ADs, SC Site Office Managers, and SC ISC Office Managers.

SC line management establishes its oversight goals and objectives in an APP. Annually each SC HQ Office, SC Site Office, and SC ISC Office prepares its APP and submits it for review. The APP references the SC‑IAS, which contains the office’s assessment activities planned for the next three years.

Annually, the SC HQ Offices, SC Site Offices, and SC ISC Offices, self‑assess their performance against the goals and objectives contained in its APP, and prepare an AAR. The SC Site Offices and SC ISC Offices submit their AARs to SC‑3.

SC‑3 conducts an integrated evaluation of the AARs to identify potential SC‑wide issues and opportunities for improvement.

3.2.2 Contractor Quality Assurance and Oversight

SC is responsible for ensuring that (1) contracted work is planned and executed in accordance with applicable QA rules, regulations, DOE Directives, and national/international consensus standards; (2) the contractor develops and implements effective QA, oversight, and assurance programs, including issues management and lessons learned systems; and (3) SC line management conducts sufficient oversight to maintain awareness of the effectiveness of the contractor’s QA, oversight and assurance program implementation.

The processes for contractually conveying requirements and expectations in the Laboratories’ contracts with DOE are addressed in the SC M&O Contracting Management System. Quality Assurance

SC Line Management is responsible for ensuring that the SC contractors develop, maintain, and implement QAPs that satisfy applicable QA rules, regulations, DOE Directives, and national/international QA consensus standards imposed through their contract. Oversight

SC must maintain awareness, of sufficient depth and breadth, of Laboratory activities in all areas of the Laboratories’ work, to understand the adequacy of the work. Such awareness is obtained through a suite of oversight activities. The level and/or mix of SC oversight of contractor activities is commensurate with the effectiveness of the Contractor’s Assurance System. Oversight is addressed in the SC Line Management Oversight Program Description and the SAs and procedures of this Management System.

The SC Site Office Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable to SC‑3 for ensuring that effective oversight of the Laboratory’s performance is accomplished. The SC Site Office may choose to conduct some oversight/assessment activities jointly with the site contractor. However, the SC Site Office must perform a sufficient number of assessments independent of those performed by the contractor in order to maintain an objective and unbiased awareness of the adequacy of the contractor’s performance.

SC utilizes an SC‑wide IAS to plan, schedule, and assign resources to formal oversight/assessment activities. The schedule is established on a three‑year cycle and is updated annually, providing a three‑year “rolling” assessment schedule. Each SC Site Office Manager and each Program Associate Director plans and schedules oversight activities to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of contractor performance in all critical scientific, operational, and business management areas. The IAS provides SC management with a consolidated, comprehensive view of assessment activities and their corresponding resource requirements.

4.0 Requirements

4.1 Primary Responsibility

This Management System has primary responsibility for ("owns") the following requirements:

Requirement Decision Record
DOE-STD-1172-2011 Safety Software Quality Assurance Functional Area Qualification Standard Completed
AMSE NQA-1-2008 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications Completed
10 CFR 830, Subpart A Quality Assurance Requirements Completed
DOE O 210.2A DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program Completed
DOE O 226.1B Implementation Of Department Of Energy Oversight Policy Completed
DOE P 226.1B Department Of Energy Oversight Policy Completed
DOE O 227.1 Independent Oversight Program Completed
DOE O 414.1D Quality Assurance Completed
DOE-STD-1150-2002 Quality Assurance Functional Area Qualification Standard Completed
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System - Requirements Completed
Approved Equivalency Equivalency authorizing replacement of CRD of DOE O 226.1A with the H Clause: Contractor Assurance System Completed
H Clause Contractor Assurance System Completed

4.2 Parsed Responsibility

This Management System is not responsible for any parsed requirements.

5.0 Subject Areas, Program Descriptions, and Guidance Documents

The following Subject Areas are maintained by this Management System:

The following Program Descriptions are maintained by this Management System:

6.0 References

7.0  Delegations

NOTE: The Basis/Source column below reflects requirements active at the time of the delegation.
These requirements may have been superceded or canceled and may not be currently active.
For the official active requirement list, please reference the SCMS Management System Descriptions.

The following delegations affect this Management System:
Date IssuedDelegated By Delegated To Topic (Click to view the Delegation) Basis/Source
01/26/2012 Brinkman, W. F. (SC-1) McBrearty (SC-3)
Operations, Safety, Security 10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
10 CFR 851
DOE M 231.1-2
DOE M 470.4-6, Change 1
DOE O 225.1B
DOE O 231.1A, Administrative Change 1
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 426.2
DOE O 433.1B
DOE O 440.1B
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.2B
08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Purucker (CH)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 433.1
DOE O 433.1B
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Kelly (OR)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74
DOE O 430.1B, Change 2

08/25/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Moore (ORSO)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 426.2
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Snyder (PNSO)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Richards (BSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Baebler (AMSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Golan (SSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Crescenzo (BHSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Arango (TJSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917-74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Dikeakos (PSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Weis (FSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

10/25/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Livengood (ASO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 221.3A
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

Last Annual Review: 02/04/2013
Annual Review Period: First Quarter

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Filename: /OrbitSearch/MSD/QUAL/QUAL_MS.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 08/23/2011