Management System: Office of SCience Management System (SCMS)

Exhibit: SCMS Roles and Responsibilities

Issue Date:10/28/2010
SCMS Revision: 2.1



SC Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC-3)
  • Ensures implementation, maintenance, and ongoing operation of SCMS.

  • Assigns responsibility for and ensures day-to-day management of SCMS.

  • Appoints Management System Owners and Secondary Management System Owners and assigns SC Organizational Points of Contacts and SC Management Points of Contacts.

  • Serves as final review point for program descriptions to ensure the mission and goals of SC, as a corporate entity, are met. Approves program descriptions and guidance/policy documents for implementation and publication.

  • Promotes and supports SCMS and ensures adherence to published procedures.

  • As needed, resolves issues to ensure SCMS meets the needs of SC.

SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Managers

NOTE: The SC Integrated Support Center is a SC Chicago Office (SC-CH) and SC Oak Ridge Office (SC-OR) Partnership (i.e., a virtual organization comprised of the combined support capabilities of SC-CH and SC-OR) to provide best in class technical, business, and administrative support (i.e., integrated support) to the Office of Science at Headquarters and SC Site Offices.

  • Manages and maintains SCMS for the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC-3).

  • Support Management System Owners and Secondary Management System Owners to facilitate SCMS processes.

  • Serve as final review point for management system descriptions to ensure the mission and goals of SC, as a corporate entity, are met. Approve initial management system descriptions for implementation and publication.

  • Support and promote the SCMS web application and processes. Ensure adherence to SCMS procedures by SC Staff.

  • Provide a forum for issue resolution and advise the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations regarding issues affecting SC-wide procedures that cannot be resolved at the Management System Owner level.

SC ISC Managers Points of Contact (POCs)
  • Serve as final review point for subject areas and supporting procedures to ensure the mission and goals of SC, as a corporate entity, are met.

  • Approve all SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) for implementation and publication.

  • Support Management System Owners and Secondary Management System Owners to facilitate SCMS processes.

  • Ensure notification of published procedures to SC Staff.

  • Provide direction and oversight to all SCMS document development and maintenance activities, develop and maintain schedules, and ensure objectives are met and required documents are produced. Acquire and train facilitation and technical support resources to assist Management System Owners in SCMS document development and maintenance efforts. Facilitators are provided to structure SCMS documents development sessions and, as needed, for SCMS document maintenance (e.g., revisions) sessions. Facilitators orient Content Development Leads, SCMS Document Points of Contacts, and Subject Matter Experts to their roles and to the SCMS documents development and/or maintenance processes; mediate differences of opinions; and guide discussions to achieve objectives.

  • Provide training to SCMS documents development and maintenance team participants as well as ultimate users of SCMS documents.

  • Provide briefings to SC organizations on SCMS and its use in SC.

  • Support and promote the SCMS web application and processes.

SCMS Point of Contact (POC) Support Staff
  • Establish overall priorities and provide direction to contract staff.

  • Oversee SCMS Help Desk function.

  • Resolve issues/questions, including resource and scheduling conflicts.

  • Manage SCMS budget and contract changes for support staff.

  • Approve system changes/enhancements for execution.

SCMS Operations Center
  • Provides day-to-day management, operation, and maintenance of SCMS to ensure reliable and efficient services to SC.

  • Executes the requirements management functions of SCMS.

  • Operates, manages, and maintains the SCMS Web application tool.

  • Manages the SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) production function by providing technical editing and publishing support to SCMS development and maintenance efforts.

  • Maintains quality and configuration management control for SCMS.

Management System Owners (MSOs)
(Also known as "Primary Management System Owners")

NOTE: Primary and Secondary MSOs have the same role and responsibilities with the Primary MSOs having final approval authority and accountability.

  • Maintain their assigned management system, by leading the development and maintenance of all SCMS supporting documentation. Utilizing Subject Matter Experts throughout the Office of Science and the DOE complex, develop and maintain SCMS documents (i.e., management system descriptions, subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents). Ensure that all documentation is maintained accurately and is responsive to current requirements. Evaluate proposed changes to SCMS documents and initiate actions to modify the SCMS documents as required.
  • Ensure that the management system meets the needs of SC and its organizational elements.

  • Establish and maintain effective interfaces with other Management System Owners to ensure linkages between systems are established and duplication is eliminated. Provide support to SC Managers/SC Supervisors, and SC Staff regarding implementation of the SCMS documents contained in the management system.

  • Ensure assigned requirements are analyzed and documented, and Federal responsibilities are appropriately addressed within SCMS. Serve as SC’s Lead Subject Matter Expert for DOE Directives assigned to the management system. As such, review draft DOE Directives (i.e., new or revised draft DOE Directives), assemble Subject Matter Expert draft review members, consolidate draft comments, and provide SC draft comments to RevCom (Draft Review and Comment System) through the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations. Also as such, identify and review new or revised requirements (requirements may originate from a wide variety of sources including Federal and State laws, Federal regulations, management expectations, and/or good business practice[s]) and, as needed, request acceptance by SC through the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations, and if needed, ensure that SCMS documents are updated to meet these new requirements via the SCMS document production process in a timely manner to maintain management system integrity.

  • Responsible for continuously improving assigned management system and addressing performance and implementation issues identified from customer feedback, staff suggestions, and other assessments; establishing key performance indicators and tracking as part of a self-assessment program; and maintaining operational awareness related to functions of the management system.

  • Serve as the single Point of Contact for the Office of Science on governing requirements and the implementing SCMS documents and has primary responsibility and accountability for their assigned SC management system.

  • Present initial management system descriptions to SC Deputy Director for Field Operations for approval. Obtain signature approval from SC Deputy Director for Field Operations for program descriptions.

  • Approves and is accountable for final SCMS documents in their management system, which includes authorizing deployment of the final SCMS documents on the SCMS Web site.

  • Assign Content Development Leads, SCMS Document Points of Contact, SCMS Document Subject Matter Experts, and SCMS Requirement Subject Matter Experts. As appropriate, designate Management System Points of Contact to provide hands on direction and oversight of management system activities.

  • Encourage the use of SCMS documents.

  • When issues cannot be resolved at the Management System Owner level, raise issues to the SC Deputy Director for Field Operations through the SC Integrated Support Center Managers for resolution.

  • Identify training needs for new or revised SCMS documents in the management system.

Secondary Management System Owners (SMSOs)

NOTE: Primary and Secondary MSOs have the same role and responsibilities with the Primary MSOs having final approval authority and accountability.

  • Support the Management System Owner in all SCMS development, maintenance, and implementation efforts and jointly share responsibility for those duties listed above.

  • Collaborate with the Management System Owner for resolution of issues that may affect unified implementation.

Management System (MS) Points of Contact (POCs)
  • Support the Management System Owner in day-to-day execution of assigned responsibilities.

  • Identify Subject Matter Experts, SCMS Document Points of Contact, and Content Development Leads.

  • Address implementation issues on behalf of the Management System Owner.

  • Serve as a primary liaison with SCMS documents development and maintenance teams and the SCMS Operations Center.

  • Analyze draft DOE Directive requirements for impact on management system and provide comments via RevCom as defined by SCMS processes. Analyze new or revised requirements for impact on management system content.

  • Oversee SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) revisions to ensure content is current. Assess implementation of and adherence to SCMS documents in their assigned management system to ensure consistency in application and to identify needed system modifications. Review proposed changes to SCMS documents in the management system and recommend appropriate action to the Management System Owner.

Content Development Leads (CDLs)

  • Lead the development of specific SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) within an assigned management system, including but not limited to procedures, references, and requirements. Serve as the Point of Contact to the SCMS Operations for their assigned SCMS documents and is responsible for addressing SCMS Operations concerns and meeting deadlines. Manage development of SCMS document content, ensuring adherence to SCMS instructions/criteria.

  • Assemble a representative team of Subject Matter Experts to assist in above responsibilities.

  • Ensure a broad range of perspectives from SC community (i.e., Headquarters, Integrated Support Center, and Site Offices) is sought in the development and review of assigned SCMS documents.

  • Ensure comments on draft SCMS documents are assessed and resolved and, as appropriate, refer resolution to Management System Owner.

  • Perform final technical review of the SCMS documents developed by teams to ensure applicability to the SC organization, accuracy, and implementability by all SC organizations, and responsiveness to current requirements.

  • Prepares all SCMS documents for Management System Owner approval.

  • Works with Management System Owner to develop an implementation plan for assigned SCMS documents and execute plan upon approval of SCMS documents.

  • Recommend development of program descriptions as needed to support management system and oversee document development.

SCMS Document Points of Contact (POCs)
  • Lead the maintenance of specific SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) within an assigned management system, including but not limited to procedures, references, and requirements.

  • Assemble a representative team of Subject Matter Experts to assist in above responsibilities.

  • Ensure a broad range of perspectives from the SC community (i.e., Headquarters, Integrated Support Center, and Site Offices) is sought in the development and review of assigned SCMS documents.

  • Resolve comments to draft procedures.

  • Maintain currency of assigned SCMS documents after publication.

  • Serve as the authority on SCMS documents when so designated.

  • Respond to and address all questions/concerns from SC Staff regarding content of assigned SCMS documents.

  • Stay current on requirements and other information that affect assigned SCMS documents.

  • Continuously assess and improve quality of assigned SCMS documents.

  • Monitor ongoing use of SCMS documents to identify issues or inconsistencies in application.

  • Initiate changes to SCMS documents as necessary.

  • Respond to SCMS Operations Center to keep SCMS operational.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

NOTE: Subject Matter Experts have specific expertise in one or more specific areas in the management system. They may have expertise in processes (SCMS documents), requirements, or both.

  • Provides technical expertise to Management System Owners, Content Development Leads, and SCMS Document Points of Contact in analyzing and interpreting requirements and recommending appropriate action, in defining implementing processes/procedures, and in development and maintenance of SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents).

  • Review and provide comments on draft DOE Directives. Assist the Content Development Lead in analyzing and resolving comments and issues on draft SCMS documents.

  • When requested, provide technical guidance to SC area of expertise, which includes answering user questions on SCMS documents and/or requirements.

  • Stay current in area of expertise (subject matter) and advise SCMS Document Points of Contact and Management System Owners on recommended revisions to published SCMS documents to maintain currency and accuracy and to improve quality of SCMS documents.

  • Monitor ongoing use of SCMS documents to identify issues or inconsistencies in application and provide information to SCMS Document Points of Contact and Management System Owners.

SCMS Office Directors/Managers (ODM) List

  • Review, consider, and share SCMS documents (i.e., management system descriptions, subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) within their organizations.
SC Organizational Points of Contact (POCs)
  • Serve as liaison between their organization, Management System Owner/Management System Points of Contact, and the SCMS Service Center for all SCMS activities to ensure their manager/organization is aware of teams being formed, procedures being written or out for review, new documents published on SCMS, new requirements issues–either within SC or external, etc.

  • Accountable to their organizational manager for prompt and thorough communication of SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents) and resolution of issues with Management System Owners.

  • Assist their manager by interacting directly with the SCMS Operations Center to provide names of appropriate individuals to review SCMS documents and facilitating timely comments.

  • Must be knowledgeable about latest features with SCMS and provide feedback to the SCMS Operations Center that either resolves issues or suggests improvements.

  • Interact/communicate with other Organizational Points of Contacts to facilitate SC-wide understanding and use of SCMS.

  • Recommend organizational participation on teams performing SCMS document development or maintenance.

  • Receive and distribute draft SCMS documents for review and comment to staff within organization who have knowledge of the subject matter content or who will be users of the SCMS documents.

  • Ensure SCMS documents are implementable from a user perspective.

  • Ensure compliance with SCMS procedures by monitoring implementation of SCMS processes within organization and providing feedback to their manager if processes are not followed.

  • Recommend changes as needed.

  • Coordinate SCMS-related training for organization.

SC Supervisors

  • Set the expectation that SC Staff use established SCMS processes and procedures and monitor performance to ensure adherence.

SC Staff

  • Understand and comply with the most recent online version of applicable SCMS processes and procedures in performance of work and provide feedback for SCMS improvement.

  • Recommend changes to SCMS documents (i.e., subject areas, program descriptions, and guidance/policy documents).

  • Volunteer and participate on SCMS document development and maintenance teams.

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

Last Major SCMS Revision: 04/02/2010