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Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State – February 2012 Traffic Volume Trends – Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume – OHPI – FHWA

Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume

February 2012 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table – 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State February January
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2012 (Preliminary) 2011 2012 (Revised) 2011
Connecticut 25 1,605 1,521 5.5 25 1,694 1,572 7.7
Maine 13 210 194 8.0 13 215 208 3.2
Massachusetts 49 3,091 2,979 3.8 46 3,208 3,013 6.5
New Hampshire 25 434 413 5.1 26 446 434 2.8
New Jersey 64 3,745 3,641 2.9 61 3,651 3,422 6.7
New York 92 5,599 5,413 3.4 74 5,741 5,524 3.9
Pennsylvania 20 3,499 3,372 3.8 21 3,666 3,484 5.2
Rhode Island 43 410 402 1.9 43 347 326 6.5
Vermont 16 90 84 6.6 17 98 96 2.4
Subtotal   18,683 18,019 3.7   19,066 18,079 5.5
South Atlantic
Delaware 15 314 303 3.8 15 332 313 6.0
District of Columbia - 203 205 -1.0 - 269 263 2.3
Florida 138 7,888 7,923 -0.4 140 8,748 8,681 0.8
Georgia 105 3,881 3,915 -0.9 107 3,855 3,869 -0.4
Maryland 41 2,519 2,502 0.7 40 2,728 2,617 4.2
North Carolina 22 3,418 3,481 -1.8 22 3,507 3,377 3.8
South Carolina 40 1,592 1,596 -0.3 40 1,602 1,531 4.6
Virginia 329 3,084 3,141 -1.8 317 3,269 3,233 1.1
West Virginia - 482 475 1.4 - 519 504 3.0
Subtotal   23,381 23,541 -0.7   24,829 24,388 1.8
North Central
Illinois 17 4,750 4,471 6.2 18 4,452 4,419 0.7
Indiana 25 2,180 2,159 0.9 23 2,590 2,508 3.3
Iowa 38 690 674 2.3 38 714 710 0.7
Kansas 19 913 880 3.7 16 930 891 4.4
Michigan 54 4,139 3,905 6.0 53 4,751 4,654 2.1
Minnesota 27 1,880 1,807 4.0 27 1,943 1,880 3.3
Missouri 60 2,064 1,929 7.0 60 2,296 2,231 2.9
Nebraska 13 505 493 2.4 13 526 501 4.9
North Dakota 8 122 116 5.1 8 137 128 6.5
Ohio 89 4,179 4,004 4.4 82 4,209 4,131 1.9
South Dakota 9 148 148 -0.5 8 147 143 2.5
Wisconsin 58 1,828 1,757 4.0 62 1,956 1,918 2.0
Subtotal   23,398 22,343 4.7   24,651 24,114 2.2
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,663 1,670 -0.4 - 1,630 1,621 0.6
Arkansas 8 930 917 1.4 10 1,080 1,095 -1.3
Kentucky - 1,183 1,152 2.7 7 1,290 1,247 3.5
Louisiana 1 1,554 1,605 -3.2 - 1,785 1,799 -0.8
Mississippi 26 836 841 -0.6 - 1,050 1,010 4.0
Oklahoma - 1,268 1,239 2.4 - 1,404 1,393 0.8
Tennessee 5 2,538 2,524 0.6 7 2,605 2,443 6.6
Texas 88 10,827 10,495 3.2 88 11,015 10,881 1.2
Subtotal   20,799 20,443 1.7   21,859 21,489 1.7
Alaska 36 127 127 0.0 37 122 128 -4.8
Arizona 24 2,800 2,757 1.5 24 2,750 2,773 -0.8
California 33 15,907 15,736 1.1 36 15,927 16,094 -1.0
Colorado 22 1,948 1,974 -1.3 25 2,257 2,206 2.3
Hawaii 32 307 307 -0.2 32 416 417 -0.1
Idaho 74 384 376 2.2 66 395 394 0.2
Montana 5 114 107 6.6 5 108 105 2.2
Nevada 31 914 906 0.9 30 961 977 -1.6
New Mexico 34 663 642 3.3 31 714 726 -1.6
Oregon 28 1,064 1,052 1.1 28 1,095 1,122 -2.3
Utah 41 955 940 1.7 39 1,013 1,010 0.3
Washington 36 2,341 2,309 1.4 6 2,228 2,378 -6.3
Wyoming 24 113 114 -0.6 25 125 124 1.1
Subtotal   27,637 27,347 1.1   28,111 28,454 -1.2
Totals 2,002 113,898 111,693 2.0 1,911 118,516 116,524 1.7

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.


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