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Changes on All Estimated Roads by Region and State – February 2012 Traffic Volume Trends – Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume – OHPI – FHWA

Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume

February 2012 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on All Estimated Roads by Region and State

Table – 5. Changes on ALL* Estimated Roads by Region and State**
Region And State February January
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2012 (Preliminary) 2011 2012 (Revised) 2011
Connecticut 32 2,247 2,132 5.4 32 2,361 2,195 7.5
Maine 114 1,075 1,019 5.5 112 1,080 1,072 0.7
Massachusetts 55 4,171 4,020 3.8 59 4,304 4,047 6.3
New Hampshire 59 947 905 4.7 60 960 941 2.0
New Jersey 86 5,163 5,073 1.8 88 5,072 4,761 6.5
New York 163 9,617 9,292 3.5 138 9,861 9,588 2.8
Pennsylvania 70 6,973 6,670 4.5 72 7,060 6,726 5.0
Rhode Island 43 553 542 2.0 43 443 416 6.5
Vermont 70 547 528 3.6 68 641 642 -0.2
Subtotal   31,293 30,181 3.7   31,782 30,388 4.6
South Atlantic
Delaware 63 616 598 2.9 67 643 608 5.7
District of Columbia - 278 280 -0.8 - 373 365 2.3
Florida 248 15,079 15,200 -0.8 256 16,308 16,200 0.7
Georgia 211 8,478 8,690 -2.4 214 8,562 8,673 -1.3
Maryland 67 3,905 3,882 0.6 66 4,175 4,010 4.1
North Carolina 59 7,547 7,674 -1.7 59 8,018 7,708 4.0
South Carolina 118 3,751 3,778 -0.7 119 3,802 3,631 4.7
Virginia 606 5,862 5,941 -1.3 592 6,206 6,066 2.3
West Virginia - 1,449 1,415 2.4 - 1,372 1,327 3.4
Subtotal   46,965 47,458 -1.0   49,459 48,588 1.8
North Central
Illinois 22 8,214 7,822 5.0 25 7,505 7,556 -0.7
Indiana 68 5,366 5,309 1.1 67 6,266 6,108 2.6
Iowa 151 2,118 2,058 2.9 150 2,238 2,175 2.9
Kansas 93 2,181 2,054 6.2 87 2,182 2,063 5.8
Michigan 117 7,229 6,875 5.2 116 8,062 7,969 1.2
Minnesota 74 4,025 3,909 3.0 74 4,251 4,140 2.7
Missouri 147 4,751 4,389 8.2 150 5,200 5,053 2.9
Nebraska 59 1,342 1,303 2.9 57 1,398 1,305 7.1
North Dakota 37 606 554 9.4 34 631 580 8.7
Ohio 148 8,397 8,037 4.5 141 8,835 8,618 2.5
South Dakota 48 562 568 -1.0 46 578 560 3.3
Wisconsin 142 4,155 4,040 2.9 145 4,334 4,308 0.6
Subtotal   48,946 46,918 4.3   51,480 50,435 2.1
South Gulf
Alabama - 4,794 4,853 -1.2 - 4,791 4,819 -0.6
Arkansas 40 2,492 2,428 2.6 42 2,733 2,758 -0.9
Kentucky - 3,463 3,397 1.9 48 3,665 3,531 3.8
Louisiana 9 3,157 3,216 -1.8 - 3,551 3,587 -1.0
Mississippi 73 2,897 2,913 -0.6 - 3,521 3,390 3.9
Oklahoma - 3,253 3,126 4.1 - 3,470 3,411 1.7
Tennessee 16 5,193 5,191 0.0 15 5,565 5,227 6.5
Texas 235 18,350 17,652 4.0 233 18,693 18,373 1.7
Subtotal   43,599 42,776 1.9   45,989 45,096 2.0
Alaska 73 304 306 -0.4 73 303 319 -5.2
Arizona 100 4,831 4,801 0.6 98 4,831 4,907 -1.6
California 71 22,128 21,916 1.0 81 22,090 22,357 -1.2
Colorado 97 3,331 3,362 -0.9 101 3,839 3,777 1.6
Hawaii 39 659 662 -0.3 39 830 828 0.3
Idaho 182 1,113 1,095 1.6 167 1,130 1,132 -0.1
Montana 68 691 653 5.8 68 659 647 1.8
Nevada 78 1,487 1,475 0.8 74 1,558 1,586 -1.7
New Mexico 95 1,917 1,860 3.0 90 2,090 2,122 -1.5
Oregon 130 2,332 2,311 0.9 134 2,336 2,416 -3.3
Utah 90 1,887 1,865 1.2 87 2,000 2,015 -0.7
Washington 89 3,998 3,972 0.7 9 3,763 4,047 -7.0
Wyoming 111 616 608 1.3 114 667 650 2.6
Subtotal   45,294 44,886 0.9   46,096 46,803 -1.5
Totals 4,766 216,096 212,221 1.8 4,610 224,804 221,313 1.6

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

* All Estimated roads include travel from Table 3 and 4 plus remaining roads.


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