Videos & Podcasts


  • Beluga Caviar Poised for Comeback - in Florida

    Beluga Caviar Poised for Comeback - in Florida

    A Florida-based company hopes to turn a sizeable profit by farming the beluga sturgeon, highly-prized for its eggs. But first it has to demonstrate its commitment to repopulating the fish in the wild.


  • Black Hole Spins Near Light-Speed - The Countdown #17

    Black Hole Spins Near Light-Speed - The Countdown #17

    The Countdown is a biweekly video show highlighting the best stuff happening in space, astronomy and physics. In this episode: Mercury's Magma Ocean, Flinging Space Trash, Spectacular Solar Images, Van Allen's Third Belt & Fast-Spinning Black Hole


  • Volvo Takes Safety to Pedestrians with Exterior Airbags

    Volvo Takes Safety to Pedestrians with Exterior Airbags

    Swedish carmaker Volvo has turned its attention to pedestrians by installing the first airbags for those outside the car. The new technology was first unveiled at last year's Geneva Motor Show but has been integrated into the Volvo V40 model.


  • Blood Test Device Developed for Early Cancer Detection

    Blood Test Device Developed for Early Cancer Detection

    Swiss-based scientists are developing a device that will find chemical markers for cancer in a drop of blood. The team from EPFL in Lausanne says the hand-held device will enable doctors to make diagnoses very early in the disease process.


  • Cancer Detection Easy as Popping Pill

    Cancer Detection Easy as Popping Pill

    Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston have developed a tiny device they say will revolutionize the way doctors screen for esophageal cancer. The pill-sized scanner uses lasers to generate a 3D model of the esophagus.


  • Kenya to Push for Crackdown on Asian Ivory Trade

    Kenya to Push for Crackdown on Asian Ivory Trade

    Kenya will be pushing for a crackdown on the illegal ivory trade in Asia at this week's Convention for the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES), in Bangkok, Thailand.


  • Satellite Data Reveals Extent of Andean Glacier Melt

    Satellite Data Reveals Extent of Andean Glacier Melt

    New research shows that warming temperatures are melting Andean glaciers at unprecedented rates, raising fears of water shortages by the middle of the century.


  • Micro-Car Maker Hopes to Electrify Mass Market

    Micro-Car Maker Hopes to Electrify Mass Market

    Croatian engineering company Dok-Ing has announced plans to start serial production of its electric three-seat microcar. The company believes urban commuters will find the vehicle ideal for low-cost, environmentally-friendly motoring.


  • "BigDog" Learns a New Trick

    "BigDog" Learns a New Trick

    US robotics manufacturer, Boston Dynamics, has taken its famous robotic quadruped "BigDog", to a new level of sophistication. It now has the ability to fling heavy objects long distances with a toss of its robotic head.


  • Rat Brains Linked to Create "Biological Computer"

    Rat Brains Linked to Create "Biological Computer"

    Miguel Nicoleilis of Duke University already developed an interface connecting animal brains with machines, but his latest experiments with rats demonstrate the possibilities of so-called brain-to-brain interface technology.


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