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Instrumentation at FTBF

The Facility has a number of instrumentation systems to help users with Triggering, Tracking, and Particle ID.

Diagrams to the left are available by clicking on them.

Scintillator Counters

The MTest beamline has 4 pre-installed scintillator counters (SC) listed below. All SC PMT voltages are controlled from RR7 in MS4, and the signals are fanned-out to various locations as described in the Trigger Map. All SC's can be read out through ACNET.

  • MT6SC1 - located immediately downbeam of the MT5/6 Cerencov detector at the entrance to the MT6.1 enclosure. (Upbeam of the MT6WC1 SWIC and TOF1 detectors) Scintillator is 10cm2 and 1/4 inch thick. PMT is a Hammamatsu <model> which runs at a voltage of <insert> volts.
  • MT6SC2 - located immediately upbeam of the absorber at the exit to the MT6.1 enclosure. (Downbeam of the MT6WC2 SWIC detector) This SC can be slid out of the beam in case particle scattering needs to be reduced. Scintillator is 10cm2 and 1/4 inch thick. PMT is a Hammamatsu <model> which runs at a voltage of <insert> volts.
  • MT6SC3 - located at the entrance to the MT6.2 enclosure. This SC can be slid out of the beam in case particle scattering needs to be reduced, or helium tubes are being used. Scintillator is 10cm2 and 1/4 inch thick. PMT is a Hammamatsu <model> which runs at a voltage of <insert> volts.
  • MT6SC4 - located at the very end of the MT6.2 enclosure. (In front of the beam dump) Scintillator is 10cm2 and 1/2 inch thick. PMT is a Hammamatsu <model> which runs at a voltage of <insert> volts.

Additional scintillator counters of various/custom sizes and various widths are available to users upon request. Custom sizes never requested before may have to be fabricated, in which case advanced notice (of about one week) is appreciated.

Si Pixel Telescope

Lead Glass Calorimeters

FTBF has lead-glass blocks measuring 14.5cm x1 4.5cm x 35cm deep, available to users upon request. The resolution of the calorimeters is suspected to be about 3%.

Time of Flight System

FTBF has a 150 psec Time-of-Flight system, with 10 cm2 aperture, available to users. While it is usually set up in the MTest beamline, it can be relocated to other areas.

There is a 30 psec, 4 cm2 aperture system available upon request, but it takes a bit of time to set up, so one week's notice is appreciated.


The SWICs (Segmented Wire Ionization Chamber)s are essentially PWCs that operate at lower voltage than required for good signal particle efficiency. The wire signals are integrated and read out at about 1Hz. The SWIC packages have an x-measuring plane and a y-measuring plane. The wire spacing is either 1mm or 2mm. These are maintained by the Accelerator Division.