Beam Details

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About FTBF

The goal of the Fermilab Test Beam Program is to provide flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight.

The facility consists of two versatile beam lines (MTest and MCenter) in which users can test equipment or detectors with the only high energy, hadron beam in the United States.

Available Energy Ranges & Particles

There are several targets, absorbers, and collimators in the MTest beamline which can be arranged in different configurations and tuned to produce secondary particles at single energies in the following configurations:

  • 120 GeV: Protons
  • 66 - 8 GeV: Pions, (some protons possible)
  • 32 - 1 GeV: Pions, electrons, kaons, or broadband muons
  • 1 GeV - 200 MeV: Pions, protons, kaons (Only available in 'Tertiary' Beamline)

If you are interested in a combination not listed above, contact the FTBF Coordinator.

Energy Resolution

Several measurements on beam  momentum spread for electrons were performed and we consistently obtained 3% or better resolution from the lead glass calorimeter.  Some of that spread can be attributed to the finite resolution of the calorimeter itself, so we estimate a 2 to 2.5% momentum spread. for a wide variety of tunes.  Since the beam is steered horizontally before the MT6 enclosure, there will be a dependence on position of the momentum, and thus it is possible to obtain better momentum resolution by correcting for position.

Energy Profiles

Beam Profiles at specific energies using SWICs, and links to elog entries of tune.