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Brief articles about GES DISC scientific and technical activities
Anomaly analysis in Giovanni for MODIS-Aqua ocean color data can help distinguish living phytoplankton from non-living organic matter, as shown for May 2011 near the Mississippi River delta.
Jan 23, 2013 - MODIS-Aqua ocean color climatologies allow 10 years of anomaly analysis

New insights possible from higher spatial resolution and new data products

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Users frequently request data for a particular season.  Data recipes at the NASA GES DISC instruct users on how to perform this and many other procedures with data services and tools.
Jan 17, 2013 - ‘Data Recipes’ for accessing and working with data at the NASA GES DISC

Step-by-step examples describe how to get the data scientists and other users need

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The impact of dust on the Mediterranean Basin is just one of many subjects researched with the aid of the Giovanni data visualization and analysis system.    (MODIS Terra image, February 25, 2006, courtesy NASA Visible Earth).
Jan 15, 2013 - Giovanni publication count for 2012 exceeds previous year

Broad diversity of uses for NASA data visualization and analysis tool seen in most recent compilation

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Extended articles about topics of interest to the GES DISC user community
CarbonTracker ( xCO2 column average over the entire atmospheric column for the year 2010.
Oct 26, 2012 - Satellite observations of carbon dioxide: Why are they important; and what CO2 data from different NASA missions tell us

NASA GES DISC provides access to current satellite archive of atmospheric CO2 data

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MODIS-Aqua image of Typhoon Sanba on September 13, 2012, when the storm was northeast of the Phillippines, corresponding to Figures 1-3.
Oct 19, 2012 - AIRS captures images, aids forecasts of Super Typhoon Sanba

Massive storm, third one to target Korean Peninsula in 2012

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The April nor'easter also brought freezing conditions to regions with blooming fruit trees, such as these apple tree blossoms in New York. Image courtesy of 'novembergale' from Weather Underground
May 04, 2012 - April 2012 Nor'easter is a snow maker and drought breaker

Surprising spring storm brought snow to eastern highlands and needed rain to Mid-Atlantic

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See Imagery in Virtual Globes 2D and 3D vertical data in KML files usable by virtual globes, such as GoogleEarth

News Highlight

Figure 1. GOZCARDS HCl field at 46 hPa (1991-2010); all latitudes are shown (from 90°S at bottom to 90°N at top). This field is produced by combining datasets from HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004-2010), and Aura MLS (2004-2010)
Dec 18, 2012 - MEaSUREs GOZCARDS Data Now Available
Initial products from NASA MEaSUREs GOZCARDS project now available at GES DISC
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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 11:04 AM ET