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warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Dec 19, 2012    Retrospective processing of Version 7 TMPA has been finished   

Retrospective processing of Version 7 TMPA has been finished. All data services are up to date, including Mirador, Giovanni TOVAS, etc. Retrospective processing of TMPA-RT is still ongoing and as soon as it is done, we will update Giovanni TOVAS.

warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Nov 21, 2012    IMPORTANT: Data Replacement for TRMM 3B42/3B43 Products for Jan. 2000-Sep. 2010   

From PPS: Due to a processing error during the first Version 7 re-processing cycle,
PPS will be rolling back and replacing TRMM 3B42 and 3B43 data products
including Browse for January 2000 through September 2010.

The TRMM GIS products will also be replaced, but will not be removed prior
to replacement.

During the next several days (over the Thanksgiving break) PPS will be
deleting the existing 3B4X products from our archives in preparation for
reprocessing these replacement products.  Therefore, please be aware that
the 3B42 and 3B43 and associated products will be temporarily unavailable.

If you have obtained any 3B42/3B43 data from the PPS ftp data archive or
through a Standing Order/s, please discard this data and use the
replacement products once they become available.  PPS will issue
another announcement once this new data is archived.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this correction may cause and
appreciate your patience and understanding.  Please let us know if you
have any questions or concerns.

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a joint mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall.

Instruments onboard the TRMM satellite

Basic Information

Launch Date
November 27, 1997
Circular, non-sun-synchronous, with an inclination of 35 degrees to the Equator.
Orbit Altitude

350 km (1997/11/27 - 2001/08/08)

403 km (2001/08/24 - present)

Altitude Change
During the period of 2001/8/7 to 2001/8/14, the average operating altitude changed from 350 km to 403 km (referred to also as TRMM Boost).


Below are overview descriptions of the instruments on the TRMM satellite:

Visible Infrared Radiometer (VIRS)
The VIRS (of NOAA AVHRR heritage) is a five-channel, cross-track scanning radiometer operating at 0.63, 1.6, 3.75, 10.8, and 12 um, which provides high resolution observations on cloud coverage, cloud type, and cloud top temperatures.
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI)
The TMI (of DMSP SSM/I heritage) is a multichannel passive microwave radiometer operating at five frequencies: 10.65, 19.35, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz at dual polarization and 22.235 GHz at single polarization. The TMI provides information on the integrated column precipitation content, cloud liquid water, cloud ice, rain intensity, and rainfall types (e.g., stratiform or convective).
Precipitation Radar (PR)
The PR, the first of its kind in space, is an electronically scanning radar, operating at 13.8 GHz that measures the 3-D rainfall distribution over both land and ocean, and define the layer depth of the precipitation.

Further information on these instruments may be found on the TRMM Instruments Web page.

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: May 27, 2010 04:35 PM ET