Master Agreements


VA-AFGE 2011 Master Agreement as PDF.
VA-AFGE 2011 Master Agreement as Word.docx

Resources for the VA-AFGE Master Agreement:

AFGE Contract Approval Letter Signed/Effective date: March 15, 2011
DVA/AFGE Article 67 VBA Skills Certification Article
Memo of Clarification: Article 49, Section 4 How to apply official time for CBOCs
Memo of Clarification: Article 46 How Article 46 affects Local Supplements
FAQ General FAQ on the Master Agreement
FAQ #2 Article 48 Official Time
Rolled Articles List List of Articles that remain unchanged from the 1997 VA-AFGE Master Agreement
Local Negotiations List blank
Master Agreement between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Federation of Government Employees (1997) 1997 Master Agreement Effective date March 21, 1997
Ground Rules Signed July 17, 2003

 Training Documents for VA-AFGE Master Agreement


VA-NAGE 2003 Master Agreement as PDF.

Resources for the VA-NAGE Master Agreement:

Master Agreement between the National Association of Government Employees and the Department of Veterans Affairs 2003 Master Agreement Effective date November 2003


VA-NFFE 2012 Master Agreement as PDF.
VA-NFFE 2012 Master Agreement as Word.docx

Resources for the VA-NFFE Master Agreement:

Master Agreement between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Federation of Government Employees (2012) 2012 Master Agreement Effective Date July 1, 2012
Labor-Management Agreement between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Council of Veterans Administrations Locals, National Federation of Federal Employees 1981 Master Agreement Effective Date: October 1981
Clarification Memorandum of Understanding February, 2012

 Training Documents for VA-NFFE Master Agreement


VA-NNU 2012 Master Agreement as PDF.

Resources for the VA-NNU Master Agreement:

VA-NNU 2012 Master Agreement Effective November 8, 2012
Ground Rules February 16, 2011
Master Agreement between the United American Nurses and the Department of Veterans Affairs 2005 Master Agreement (Previously UAN) Effective date March 11, 2005 (.pdf)
VA-NNU 2005 Master Agreement 2005 Master Agreement (Previously UAN) Effective date March 11, 2005 (.doc)

Training Documents for VA-NNU Master Agreement


 VA-SEIU Master Agreement.

 Resources for the VA-SEIU Master Agreement:

Master Agreement between the Service Employees International Union and the Department of Veterans Affairs Effective date June 15, 1998