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(Last modified June 2011)

The NCNR's Expansion Initiative is a five-year project to increase cold neutron measurement capabilities at NIST. It was announced at a March 14, 2006 evening meeting attended by approximately 80 persons in Baltimore, MD during the General Meeting of the American Physical Society. A planning workshop was held in Bethesda, MD, July 17-19, 2006: 113 invitees from the neutron user community participated in plenary and breakout sessions to provide input suggestions for instrumentation and infrastructure. A summary report is available.

The reactor was shut down in April 2011 and commissioning activities are underway preparing for restart and limited user operations in late March. Apart from the NG-1 reflectometers, the NG-1 cold neutron depth profiling facility, and the MACS spectrometer, all of the instruments in the confinement building and in the guide hall will be operational. Click here for the anticipated instrument configuration.

During the phase 1 post-outage period, which runs until December 2012, several new instruments will be commissioned. In the confinement building MACS-II will be installed at BT-9, viewing its own dedicated cold neutron source, PeeWee. In the guide hall MAGIk, the polarized beam reflectometer (previously at NG1), and the prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility are scheduled for installation on the NG-D guide, along with the 10 m SANS facility on NG-B. Click here for the expected instrument configuration in December 2012.

Additional instruments will be installed and commissioned in 2013 and 2014. Click here for the anticipated instrument configuration in 2015.

For information about the instruments and facilities that are due to be completed by December 2012, click on one of the links below the layout figures.

Feb 2012 layout
Dec 2012 layout
2015 instrument layout

For information about the instruments and facilities that are due to be completed in December 2012, click on one of the following links:
  • A multiple tagged-beam, off-specular reflectometer/diffractometer (MAGIk).
  • A high flux triple axis spectrometer viewing a completely new cold source (MACS-II).
  • A new 10 m SANS facility (10 m SANS).
  • A prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA), and cold neutron depth profiling (CNDP).
  • A combined multi-use neutron physics (aCORN) and neutron imaging facility (NIF).

For information about instruments planned for installation in later years, click on one of the following links:
  • A very small angle neutron scattering diffractometer (vSANS).
  • A 'white beam' reflectometer/diffractometer (CANDOR).
  • A low-resolution high intensity diffractometer for rapid investigations of materials (MAD).

Expansion home Overview Views BT-9 cold source Guides Instrumentation User services Time lines Occasional diary Photos FAQs Contacts

NCNR Expansion Initiative main page.
NCNR home page.
Last modified 13-March-2012 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Przemek Klosowski)