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NETL Regional University Alliance (NETL-RUA)
About NETL-RUA – Member Universities

NETL-RUA’s five universities are regionally recognized and share a long history of supporting NETL’s energy research. Additionally, the member universities have contributed substantially to the field of energy technology research and development. Their faculty, researchers, and facilities offer opportunities to advance the stature of NETL-RUA’s research, promote regional economic development, and address the challenges facing our Nation’s energy future.

Carnegie Mellon University Penn State University University of Pittsburgh Virginia Tech West Virginia University NETL-RUA University Members:

Unique to NETL-RUA is the work that NETL and the Alliance universities perform collaboratively, leveraging their expertise and facilities to make greater discoveries. In this context, NETL-RUA’s elements of collaboration encompass the following:

  • Shared Laboratories
    • Researchers work side-by-side in the laboratory
  • Shared Intellect
    • Technical information and knowledge is shared and solutions are developed cooperatively
  • Shared Resources
    • Facilities, property, or funding is offered to advance technology development and demonstration

The universities of the Alliance bring strategic value toward achieving NETL and DOE’s goals. These universities provide resources such as professional staff, specialty equipment, and user facilities that allow them to work with NETL-RUA in a fully integrated research environment. Alliance universities hold recognized expertise in areas that complement NETL’s in-house talent and expertise in energy research and development. Further, the universities demonstrate partnerships with industry leaders that facilitate the acceleration of technology development and commercialization.