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NETL Regional University Alliance
About NETL-RUA – Mission

DOE’s mission is to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States with a primary strategic goal ”to protect our national and economic security by promoting a diverse supply and delivery of reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy.”

Mission Statement - NETL-RUA draws upon our collective intellectual, research, and commercialization infrastructure to develop the advanced energy technologies required to solve domestic and global energy and environmental issues, train future generations of energy researchers, and promote Economic Growth.

NETL contributes to this strategic goal through cutting-edge R&D focused on the clean production and use of our Nation's domestic fossil energy resources. Advanced technologies provide policymakers with expanded options for meeting vital national energy, environmental, and security needs. NETL-RUA conducts fully integrated R&D that focuses on using U.S. fossil energy resources to meet the increasing demand for affordable energy without compromising the quality of life for future generations of Americans.

Leveraging the talent and resources of regional universities, commercial, and industrial partnerships not only strengthens NETL research efforts for energy and energy-related environmental systems development, it provides additional regional and national impact. NETL-RUA promotes job creation through the potential for spin-off companies from R&D efforts. This alliance also facilitates training for the next generations of scientists and engineers, which in turn will bolster the U.S. scientific community’s ability to address future challenges facing the Nation’s and the world's energy supply, reliability, sustainability, and environmental issues.

Globe with power cableGoals

  • Perform Innovative Technology Research
  • Become a Recognized Resource for Energy
    Technology Innovation
  • Develop New Business to Grow NETL-RUA
  • Educate the Energy Technology Workforce of Tomorrow
  • Transition Energy Technologies from Discovery to
    Demonstration and Promote Economic Growth

By teaming some of our country’s most talented experts, NETL-RUA offers the following benefits and opportunities:

  • Superior R&D Capability—Leveraging NETL’s expertise in fossil-energy technologies with the broad capability of the regional universities provides an effective and efficient research and development capability to improve the Nation’s use of fossil-energy resources and develop the technological platform for this century’s energy technology transition and environmental solutions.
  • World-Class Laboratories—The close proximity of these universities to NETL’s laboratories facilitates faculty and student access to world-class laboratories for on-site research and provides the technical platform to develop the next generation of energy research engineers and scientists.
  • Key Commercial and Industrial Partnerships—Deployment of new technologies stemming from this Alliance will be aided by key partnerships with the region’s commercial and industrial energy sector.
  • Economic Growth—Partnerships with the universities, commercial sector, industrial sector, and non-profit organizations will serve as the basis for Economic Growth and the creation of jobs through spin-off companies.
  • Funding for Additional Partnership Opportunities—FE funding serves as “seed money” to build NETL-RUA to support NETL’s mission, and NETL-RUA will seek other resources and opportunities to partner with industry and other academic institutions.
  • Advance the Mission of DOE—This cumulative effort will add significant value to NETL’s role of collaborating with industry and other academic institutions on energy technology research, development, and demonstrations programs that advance the mission of the Department of Energy.