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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter - Coastal Science and Research News from Across the USGS
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Staff & Center News

Talk by Richie Williams

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Richie Williams (WHFC) gave a talk on April 3rd entitled "The Earth's Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change" at the USGS WRD office in Northborough, MA.

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in this issue: Fieldwork cover story:
NY Bight Cruise

Honduras Coral Reefs

Outreach Letter to the Editor

Nat'l Ocean Sciences Bowl Winner

Earth Day, Tampa Bay

Meetings Gulf of Mexico

Great Lakes Mapping

Interagency Pollution Work

Awards Edgar Receives RSAS Award

Shinn, Reich, & Hickey Receive SEPM Award

Work With High School Students

Staff & Center News New Post-Doc

New ECO Interns at WHFC

Talk by Richie Williams

Ellen Mecray Completes Boston Marathon


Publications May Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)