Terra Publications: 2009

  • Mishchenko M, Geogdzhayev I, Liu L, Lacis A, Cairns B, Travis L. Erratum To: Toward Unified Satellite Climatology Of Aerosol Properties: What Do Fully Compatible Modis And Misr Aerosol Pixels Tell Us? (vol 110, Pg 402, 2009). J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 2009;110 (17):1962-1963.
  • Kokhanovsky A, Naud C, Devasthale A. Intercomparison Of Ground-based Radar And Satellite Cloud-top Height Retrievals For Overcast Single-layered Cloud Fields. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (7):1901-1908.
  • Geogdzhayev I, Mishchenko M, Liu L, Lacis A, Cairns B, Travis L. Pixel-level Analysis Of Modis And Misr Aerosol Products. In: CURRENT PROBLEMS IN ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION (IRS 2008). International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS); AUG 03-08, 2008; Foz do Iguacu, BRAZIL. 2009. p. 251-254.
  • Mishchenko M, Geogdzhayev I, Liu L, Lacis A, Cairns B, Travis L. Toward Unified Satellite Climatology Of Aerosol Properties: What Do Fully Compatible Modis And Misr Aerosol Pixels Tell Us?. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 2009;110 (6-7):402-408.
  • Xiong X, Wenny B, Barnes W, Salomonson V. Overview Of Modis Calibration And Characterization And Lessons Learned. In: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-5. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium; JUL 12-17, 2009; Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. 2009. p. 2397-2400.
  • Xiong X, Chang T. Performance Of Modis Thermal Emissive Bands On-orbit Calibration Algorithm. In: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-5. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium; JUL 12-17, 2009; Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. 2009. p. 1573-1576.
  • Habib S, Policelli F, Irwin D, Korme T, Adler B, Hong Y. Application Of Satellite Observations To Manage Natural Disasters In The Lake Victoria Basin. In: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-5. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium; JUL 12-17, 2009; Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. 2009. p. 2401-2404.
  • Kwiatkowska E, McClain C. Evaluation Of Seawifs, Modis Terra And Modis Aqua Coverage For Studies Of Phytoplankton Diurnal Variability. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2009;30 (24):6441-6459.
  • Liang L, Di Girolamo L, Platnick S. View-angle Consistency In Reflectance, Optical Thickness And Spherical Albedo Of Marine Water-clouds Over The Northeastern Pacific Through Misr-modis Fusion. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2009;36 5.
  • Werdell P, Bailey S, Franz B, Harding L, Feldman G, McClain C. Regional And Seasonal Variability Of Chlorophyll-a In Chesapeake Bay As Observed By Seawifs And Modis-aqua. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (6):1319-1330.
  • McClain C. Decade Of Satellite Ocean Color Observations. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2009;1 19-42.
  • Meskhidze N, Remer L, Platnick S, Juarez R, Lichtenberger A, Aiyyer A. Exploring The Differences In Cloud Properties Observed By The Terra And Aqua Modis Sensors. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (10):3461-3475.
  • Hilker T, Wulder M, Coops N, Linke J, McDermid G, Masek J, Gao F, White J. New Data Fusion Model For High Spatial- And Temporal-resolution Mapping Of Forest Disturbance Based On Landsat And Modis. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (8):1613-1627.
  • Yu H, Chin M, Remer L, Kleidman R, Bellouin N, Bian H, Diehl T. Variability Of Marine Aerosol Fine-mode Fraction And Estimates Of Anthropogenic Aerosol Component Over Cloud-free Oceans From The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (modis). J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 11.
  • Kato S, Marshak A. Solar Zenith And Viewing Geometry-dependent Errors In Satellite Retrieved Cloud Optical Thickness: Marine Stratocumulus Case. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 13.
  • Chen Y, Li Q, Kahn R, Randerson J, Diner D. Quantifying Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect With Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer Observations: Top-of-atmosphere Albedo Change By Aerosols Based On Land Surface Types. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 15.
  • Prigarin S, Marshak A. Simple Stochastic Model For Generating Broken Cloud Optical Depth And Cloud-top Height Fields. J. Atmos. Sci. 2009;66 (1):92-104.
  • Davis S, Avallone L, Kahn B, Meyer K, Baumgardner D. Comparison Of Airborne In Situ Measurements And Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (modis) Retrievals Of Cirrus Cloud Optical And Microphysical Properties During The Midlatitude Cirrus Experiment (midcix). J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 17.
  • Halem M, Most N, Tilmes C, Stewart K, Yesha Y, Chapman D, Nguyen P. Service-oriented Atmospheric Radiances (soar): Gridding And Analysis Services For Multisensor Aqua Ir Radiance Data For Climate Studies. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (1):114-122.
  • Kahn R, Petzold A, Wendisch M, Bierwirth E, Dinter T, Esselborn M, Fiebig M, Heese B, Knippertz P, Mueller D, Schladitz A, Hoyningen-Huene A. Desert Dust Aerosol Air Mass Mapping In The Western Sahara, Using Particle Properties Derived From Space-based Multi-angle Imaging. Tellus Ser. B-Chem. Phys. Meteorol. 2009;61 (1):239-251.
  • Borak J, Jasinski M. Effective Interpolation Of Incomplete Satellite-derived Leaf-area Index Time Series For The Continental United States. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2009;149 (2):320-332.
  • Alexandrov M, Schmid B, Turner D, Cairns B, Oinas V, Lacis A, Gutman S, Westwater E, Smirnov A, Eilers J. Columnar Water Vapor Retrievals From Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Data. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 28.
  • Tilmes C, Linda M, Fleig A. Atmospheric Composition Processing System (acps). IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (1):51-58.
  • Zhang Q, Middleton E, Margolis H, Drolet G, Barr A, Black T. Can A Satellite-derived Estimate Of The Fraction Of Par Absorbed By Chlorophyll (fapar(chl)) Improve Predictions Of Light-use Efficiency And Ecosystem Photosynthesis For A Boreal Aspen Forest?. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (4):880-888.
  • Gautam R, Liu Z, Singh R, Hsu N. Two Contrasting Dust-dominant Periods Over India Observed From Modis And Calipso Data. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2009;36 5.
  • Redemann J, Zhang Q, Russell P, Livingston J, Remer L. Case Studies Of Aerosol Remote Sensing In The Vicinity Of Clouds. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 9.
  • Krishnamurti T, Chakraborty A, Martin A, Lau W, Kim K, Sud Y, Walker G. Impact Of Arabian Sea Pollution On The Bay Of Bengal Winter Monsoon Rains. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 22.
  • Varnai T, Marshak A. Modis Observations Of Enhanced Clear Sky Reflectance Near Clouds. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2009;36 5.
  • Zaitchik B, Rodell M. Forward-looking Assimilation Of Modis-derived Snow-covered Area Into A Land Surface Model. J. Hydrometeorol. 2009;10 (1):130-148.
  • Nightingale J, Morisette J, Wolfe R, Tan B, Gao F, Ederer G, Collatz G, Turner D. Temporally Smoothed And Gap-filled Modis Land Products For Carbon Modelling: Application Of The Fpar Product. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2009;30 (4):1083-1090.
  • Wilcox E, Harshvardhan, Platnick S. Estimate Of The Impact Of Absorbing Aerosol Over Cloud On The Modis Retrievals Of Cloud Optical Thickness And Effective Radius Using Two Independent Retrievals Of Liquid Water Path. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 7.
  • Platnick S, Wind G, King M, Holz R, Ackerman S, Nagle F. Comparison Of The Modis Collection 5 Multilayer Cloud Detection Product With Calipso. In: CURRENT PROBLEMS IN ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION (IRS 2008). International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS); AUG 03-08, 2008; Foz do Iguacu, BRAZIL. 2009. p. 416-419.
  • Satheesh S, Torres O, Remer L, Babu S, Vinoj V, Eck T, Kleidman R, Holben B. Improved Assessment Of Aerosol Absorption Using Omi-modis Joint Retrieval. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 10.
  • Das B. Quantitative Analysis Of Aerosol Effects On Cloud Radiative Properties In Urban Polluted Cities. In: Current Problems In Atmospheric Radiation (IRS 2008) (AIP Conference Proceddings Series Volume 1100). International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS); 3-8 Aug. 2008; Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 2009. p. 372-375.
  • Roman M, Schaaf C, Woodcock C, Strahler A, Yang X, Braswell R, Curtis P, Davis K, Dragoni D, Goulden M, Gu L, Hollinger D, Kolb T, Meyers T, Munger J, Privette J, Richardson A, Wilson T, Wofsy S. Modis (collection V005) Brdf/albedo Product: Assessment Of Spatial Representativeness Over Forested Landscapes. Remote Sensing Of Environment. 2009;113 (11):2476-2498.
  • Ou S, Liou K, Wang X, Hansell R, Lefevre R, Cocks S. Satellite Remote Sensing Of Dust Aerosol Indirect Effects On Ice Cloud Formation. Appl. Optics. 2009;48 (3):633-642.
  • Xiong X, Chiang K, Sun J, Barnes W, Guenther B, Salomonson V. Nasa Eos Terra And Aqua Modis On-orbit Performance. Adv. Space Res. 2009;43 (3):413-422.
  • Yorks J, McGill M, Rodier S, Vaughan M, Hu Y, Hlavka D. Radiative Effects Of African Dust And Smoke Observed From Clouds And The Earth's Radiant Energy System (ceres) And Cloud-aerosol Lidar With Orthogonal Polarization (caliop) Data. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 10.
  • Livingston J, Redemann J, Russell P, Torres O, Veihelmann B, Veefkind P, Braak R, Smirnov A, Remer L, Bergstrom R, Coddington O, Schmidt K, Pilewskie P, Johnson R, Zhang Q. Comparison Of Aerosol Optical Depths From The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (omi) On Aura With Results From Airborne Sunphotometry, Other Space And Ground Measurements During Milagro/intex-b. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (18):6743-6765.
  • Cook B, Bolstad P, Naesset E, Anderson R, Garrigues S, Morisette J, Nickeson J, Davis K. Using Lidar And Quickbird Data To Model Plant Production And Quantify Uncertainties Associated With Wetland Detection And Land Cover Generalizations. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (11):2366-2379.
  • Chen Y, Li Q, Randerson J, Lyons E, Kahn R, Nelson D, Diner D. Sensitivity Of Co And Aerosol Transport To The Temporal And Vertical Distribution Of North American Boreal Fire Emissions. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (17):6559-6580.
  • Montesano P, Nelson R, Sun G, Margolis H, Kerber A, Ranson K. Modis Tree Cover Validation For The Circumpolar Taiga-tundra Transition Zone. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (10):2130-2141.
  • Vermote E, Ellicott E, Dubovik O, Lapyonok T, Chin M, Giglio L, Roberts G. Approach To Estimate Global Biomass Burning Emissions Of Organic And Black Carbon From Modis Fire Radiative Power. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 22.
  • Hilker T, Lyapustin A, Hall F, Wang Y, Coops N, Drolet G, Black T. Assessment Of Photosynthetic Light Use Efficiency From Space: Modeling The Atmospheric And Directional Impacts On Pri Reflectance. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (11):2463-2475.
  • Lary D, Remer L, MacNeill D, Roscoe B, Paradise S. Machine Learning And Bias Correction Of Modis Aerosol Optical Depth. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 2009;6 (4):694-698.
  • Zhang Z, Yang P, Kattawar G, Riedi J, Labonnote L, Baum B, Platnick S, Huang H. Influence Of Ice Particle Model On Satellite Ice Cloud Retrieval: Lessons Learned From Modis And Polder Cloud Product Comparison. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (18):7115-7129.
  • Oreopoulos L, Platnick S, Hong G, Yang P, Cahalan R. Shortwave Radiative Forcing Bias Of Liquid And Ice Clouds From Modis Observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (16):5865-5875.
  • Hall D, Nghiem S, Schaaf C, DiGirolamo N, Neumann G. Evaluation Of Surface And Near-surface Melt Characteristics On The Greenland Ice Sheet Using Modis And Quikscat Data. J. Geophys. Res.-Earth Surf. 2009;114 13.
  • Feng Q, Yang P, Kattawar G, Hsu C, Tsay S, Laszlo I. Effects Of Particle Nonsphericity And Radiation Polarization On Retrieving Dust Properties From Modis Observations. J. Aerosol. Sci. 2009;40 (9):776-789.
  • Jiang J, Su H, Massie S, Colarco P, Schoeberl M, Platnick S. Aerosol-co Relationship And Aerosol Effect On Ice Cloud Particle Size: Analyses From Aura Microwave Limb Sounder And Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Observations. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 8.
  • Reale O, Lau W, Kim K, Brin E. Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenetic Processes During Sop-3 Namma In The Geos-5 Global Data Assimilation And Forecast System. J. Atmos. Sci. 2009;66 (12):3563-3578.
  • Wang L, Qu J, Xiong X, Hao X. Analysis Of Seven-year Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Vegetation Water Indices For Drought And Fire Activity Assessment Over Georgia Of The United States. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 2009;3 12.
  • Nirala M. Derivation Of Pan-arctic Soil Decomposition Rate Constant, Heterotrophic Respiration And Nee Using Amsr-e And Modis Data. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2009;30 (22):5793-5820.
  • Xiong X, Wenny B, Wu A, Barnes W. Modis Onboard Blackbody Function And Performance. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (12):4210-4222.
  • Kahn R, Nelson D, Garay M, Levy R, Bull M, Diner D, Martonchik J, Paradise S, Hansen E, Remer L. Misr Aerosol Product Attributes And Statistical Comparisons With Modis. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (12):4095-4114.
  • Wu A, Xiong X, Cao C. Tracking The Calibration Stability And Consistency Of The 3.7, 11.0 And 12.0 Mu M Channels Of The Noaa-klm Avhrr With Modis. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2009;30 (22):5901-5917.
  • Huang H, Chen M, Liu Q, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Zhao L, Qin W. Realistic Structure Model For Large-scale Surface Leaving Radiance Simulation Of Forest Canopy And Accuracy Assessment. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2009;30 (20):5421-5439.
  • Xiong X, Wu A, Wenny B. Using Dome C For Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Calibration Stability And Consistency. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 2009;3 12.
  • Lee J, Yang P, Dessler A, Gao B, Platnick S. Distribution And Radiative Forcing Of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds. J. Atmos. Sci. 2009;66 (12):3721-3731.
  • Xiong X, Wenny B, Barnes W. Overview Of Nasa Earth Observing Systems Terra And Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Instrument Calibration Algorithms And On-orbit Performance. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 2009;3 25.
  • El-Askary H, Farouk R, Ichoku C, Kafatos M. Transport Of Dust And Anthropogenic Aerosols Across Alexandria, Egypt. Ann. Geophys. 2009;27 (7):2869-2879.
  • Lyapustin A, Tedesco M, Wang Y, Aoki T, Hori M, Kokhanovsky A. Retrieval Of Snow Grain Size Over Greenland From Modis. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (9):1976-1987.
  • Wang Y, Lyapustin A, Privette J, Morisette J, Holben B. Atmospheric Correction At Aeronet Locations: A New Science And Validation Data Set. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (8):2450-2466.
  • Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhaut W, Holben B. Temporal Trend In Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport From Central And Eastern Europe To Israel. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 2009;114 12.
  • Hilker T, Wulder M, Coops N, Seitz N, White J, Gao F, Masek J, Stenhouse G. Generation Of Dense Time Series Synthetic Landsat Data Through Data Blending With Modis Using A Spatial And Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (9):1988-1999.
  • Levy R, Leptoukh G, Kahn R, Zubko V, Gopalan A, Remer L. Critical Look At Deriving Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth From Satellite Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (8):2942-2956.
  • Li Z, Zhao X, Kahn R, Mishchenko M, Remer L, Lee K, Wang M, Laszlo I, Nakajima T, Maring H. Uncertainties In Satellite Remote Sensing Of Aerosols And Impact On Monitoring Its Long-term Trend: A Review And Perspective. Ann. Geophys. 2009;27 (7):2755-2770.
  • Johnson B, Christopher S, Haywood J, Osborne S, McFarlane S, Hsu C, Salustro C, Kahn R. Measurements Of Aerosol Properties From Aircraft, Satellite And Ground-based Remote Sensing: A Case-study From The Dust And Biomass-burning Experiment (dabex). Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 2009;135 (641):922-934.
  • Meyer K, Platnick S, Yang P, Gao B. Cirrus Cloud Optical Thickness From Reflectance Measurements In The Modis 1.38-mum Channel. In: Current Problems In Atmospheric Radiation (IRS 2008) (AIP Conference Proceddings Series Volume 1100). International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS); 3-8 Aug. 2008; Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 2009. p. 404-407.
  • Muskett R, Lingle C, Sauber J, Post A, Tangborn W, Rabus B, Echelmeyer K. Airborne And Spaceborne Dem- And Laser Altimetry-derived Surface Elevation And Volume Changes Of The Bering Glacier System, Alaska, Usa, And Yukon, Canada, 1972-2006. Journal Of Glaciology. 2009;55 (190):316-326.
  • Nelson R, Ranson K, Sun G, Kimes D, Kharuk V, Montesano P. Estimating Siberian Timber Volume Using Modis And Icesat/glas. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (3):691-701.
  • Coops N, Ferster C, Waring R, Nightingale J. Comparison Of Three Models For Predicting Gross Primary Production Across And Within Forested Ecoregions In The Contiguous United States. Remote Sens. Environ. 2009;113 (3):680-690.
  • Myhre G, Berglen T, Johnsrud M, Hoyle C, Berntsen T, Christopher S, Fahey D, Isaksen I, Jones T, Kahn R, Loeb N, Quinn P, Remer L, Schwarz J, Yttri K. Modelled Radiative Forcing Of The Direct Aerosol Effect With Multi-observation Evaluation. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2009;9 (4):1365-1392.
  • Xiong X, Wenny B, Wu A, Barnes W, Salomonson V. Aqua Modis Thermal Emissive Band On-orbit Calibration, Characterization, And Performance. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 2009;47 (3 Sp. Iss. SI):803-814.