News Archive

What's New: December 2010

ocean glider

First Unmanned, Underwater Robot to Cross An Ocean Highlighted at Smithsonian Ocean Hall

The first underwater robotic vehicle - or "glider" - to cross an ocean is the centerpiece of a new exhibit in the Sant Ocean Hall at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. More...

razor clams

NOAA and Partners Expand Monitoring Program to Provide an Early Warning of HAB Events in Oregon

A harmful algal bloom (HAB) pilot project in Oregon is providing officials with an early warning of a severe, recurring threat to both human health and coastal economies. More...

coastal land in Wareham, Mass.

Funds Help Conserve Massachusetts Coastal Land

With the help of funding from NOAA's Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP), the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, in partnership with the Massachusetts Audubon Society, acquired a conservation easement of more than 95 acres (384 square kilometers) of important coastal land in Wareham, Mass. More...
