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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Environment   >   Training   >   CPD   >   Acceptable Separation Distance Guidebook


Acceptable Separation Distance Guidebook

Office of CPD Environmental Planning Division (September 2011)

Acceptable Separation Distances from Explosive and Flammable Hazards

The purpose of this guidebook is to provide HUD staff, community planners, architects, engineers, developers, and participants in HUD-assisted projects with the technical guidelines for determining the acceptable separation distance for the siting of residential buildings, mobile home parks or other HUD-assisted projects near stationary hazardous operations which store, handle or process chemicals or petrochemicals of an explosive or flammable nature.

Although the Regulation at 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart C of the Code of Federal Regulations and this guidebook apply specifically to all HUD-assisted projects, the application of these standards can be used by anyone concerned with the safe siting of new residential development. Specifically, it describes the procedures for collecting data about a proposed HUD-assisted project site and a potential hazard and details the steps for calculating the acceptable separation distance (ASD) between the hazard and the project site.

The Guidebook now includes all chapters and six separate appendices.

 - Guidebook 
 - Appendix A - Flowcharts
 - Appendix B - Worksheets
 - Appendix C - Data Resources
 - Appendix D - Bibliography and Photographic Credits
 - Appendix E - Index
 - Appendix F - Glossary