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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Community Development   >   Community Development Laws and Regulations

Community Development Laws and Regulations

The rules and regulations governing the activites of Community Development programs are broken down into three categories: the Laws as enacted by Congress, the Regulations created by HUD to achieve the result prescribed by the Laws, and the Policy Memoranda that address specific instances and questions. Notices are available for guidance.


When Congress passed the Housing and Community Development (HCD) Act of 1974, it broke down the barriers of prevailing practice -- where under separate categorical programs, the Federal Government had made the decisions about every community development project undertaken by cities. The HCD Act departed from this model by creating the CDBG program. CDBG merged 7 categorical programs into a block of flexible community development funds distributed each year by a formula that considers population and measures of distress including poverty, age of housing, housing overcrowding, and growth lag. Grantees now determine what activities they will fund as long as certain requirements are met, including that each activity is eligible and will meet one of the three broad national objectives of the program.


 - Sec. 5301- Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
 - Sec. 5302- Definitions
 - Sec. 5303- Grants to States, units of general local government and Indian tribes; authorizations
 - Sec. 5304- Statement of activities and review
 - Sec. 5305- Activities eligible for assistance
 - Sec. 5306- Allocation and distribution of funds
 - Sec. 5307- Special purpose grants
 - Sec. 5308- Guarantee of loans for acquisition of property
 - Sec. 5309- Nondiscrimination in programs and activities
 - Sec. 5310 - Labor standards; rate of wages; exceptions; enforcement powers
 - Sec. 5311- Remedies for noncompliance with community development requirements
 - Sec. 5312- Use of grants for settlement of outstanding urban renewal loans of units of general local government
 - Sec. 5313- Reporting requirements
 - Sec. 5314- Consultation by Secretary with other Federal departments, etc
 - Sec. 5315 - Interstate agreements or compacts; purposes
 - Sec. 5316 - Transition provisions
 - Sec. 5317- Liquidation of superseded or inactive programs
 - Sec. 5318 - Urban development action grants
 - Sec. 5318a - John Heinz Neighborhood Development Program. (This section is not included)
 - Sec. 5319 - Fair Participation for Small Communities
 - Sec. 5320 - Historic preservation requirements
 - Sec. 5321- Suspension of requirements for disaster areas


The regulations created by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Community Planning and Development that pertain to Community Development programs are contained within Part 570 - Community Development Block Grants.

Policy Memoranda

CDBG Policy Guidance Memoranda presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. The policy guidance presented herein was provided based on the policy question and circumstances presented at the time the guidance was written. Every attempt has been made to be as current and correct as possible. The guidance presented herein is meant to be general guidance and makes no representation that the content is appropriate or authorized for use for all jurisdictions receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. This information is not meant to substitute for statutory requirements, CDBG regulations, nor policy guidance provided through HUD's Community Planning and Development (CPD) Field Staff. If there are questions or concerns regarding particular CDBG activities and policies discussed in the guidance herein, consult a Community Planning and Development representative in the HUD Field Office near you. Search the Memoranda.

Community Development Notices

CPD Notices provide detailed guidance on a specific CPD subject. Notices relating to Community Development explain how the CDBG program regulations should be interpreted or applied.

Laws and Regulations