NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Workshop Agenda

Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Nuclear Physics

May 26-27, 2011
Chesapeak Suites

Wireless Network:
Hyatt Bethesda Meeting Room
Meeting Room: Embassy
Group Name: NERSC
Passcode: As given in handout at meeting

Hyatt Regency Bethesda
One Bethesda Metro Center (7400 Wisconsin Ave)
Bethesda, Maryland, USA 20814

Thursday, May 26

Time Topic Presenter
 8:00 Arrive, informal discussions
 8:30 Welcome, introductions, workshop goals, charge to committee Yukiko Sekine, DOE-SC/ASCR
 8:50 Workshop outline, logistics, format Harvey Wasserman, NERSC
 9:00 NP Program Office Research Directions Ted Barnes, DOE / NP
 9:15 NERSC Role in Nuclear Physics Research Kathy Yelick, NERSC Director
10:10 Break
10:30 Case Study: Lattice QCD Robert Edwards / Martin Savage / Chip Watson
11:45 Break (Lunch available)

12:45 Case Study: Low Energy Nuclear Physics Joseph Carlson / Esmond Ng / Jon Engel
  1:30 Case Study: Astrophysics Dan Kasen / Tomasz Plewa
  2:15 Case Study: Heavy Ion Experiments Jeff Porter
  3:00 Break
  3:30 Case Study: Medium Energy Experiments Richard Jones
  4:15 Case Study: Nuclear Data Alejandro Sonzogni
  4:45 Case Study: Accelerators David Bruhwiler
  5:15 General Discussions
  5:30 Adjourn for the day

Friday, May 27




8:00 Arrive, informal discussions
8:30 NERSC Initial Summary Richard Gerber, NERSC
9:30 Case study format review; sample case study Harvey Wasserman, NERSC
10:00 Break  
10:30 Report schedule and process Richard Gerber, NERSC
10:45 Q&A, general discussions, breakout sessions, and lunch
1:00 Adjourn



  • Yukiko-NP-Workshop.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Welcome, introductions, workshop goals, charge to committee
  • NERSC-ProcessHarvey.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Harvey Wasserman: Workshop Goals, process
  • NPNERSCBarnes.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Ted Barnes: NP Research Overview
  • Savage-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Martin Savage: Nuclear Physics from Lattice QCD
  • Edwards-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Robert Edwards: Lattice QCD in Nuclear Physics
  • Watson-NP.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Chip Watson: LQCD on GPUs (from a Hardware Perspective)
  • Carlson-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Joseph Carlson: Nuclear Structure and Reactions
  • Kasen-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Dan Kasen: Radiative Transfer of Astrophysical Explosions
  • Plewa-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Tomasz Plewa: Stellar Explosions in Three Dimensions
  • Porter-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Jeff Porter: Present and Future Computinng Requirements for Heavy-­‐ion collider experiments: Focus on ALICE experiment at the LHC
  • Sonzogni-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Alejandro Sonzogni: Present and Future Computing Requirements for Nuclear
  • Bruhwiler-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    David Bruhwiler: Parallel Simulation of Electron Cooling Physics and Beam Transport
  • Jones-NP-2011.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file
    Richard Jones (JLAB): Present and Future Computing Requirements for JLAB Physics Experiments