College Park, Maryland      June 6 - 10 , 2004

Presenter Information

Oral Presentations

Contributed oral presentations are 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. Invited presentations are 25 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Overhead projectors and LCD projectors with a switch box will be available in each room. We encourage speakers to use the LCD projectors. Speakers should bring their own laptop, if possible. Each room will be equipped with a laptop with a CD-ROM, a USB port, and the following software installed:

We prefer that all computer-based presentations be in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 format. During the question-and-answer period of each talk, the next speaker should hook the laptop with their presentation up to the LCD switch box in preparation to begin speaking immediately. Speakers that choose to use the laptop provided by the ACNS should load their presentation onto the computer prior to the beginning of the session. If presenters have additional technical requests, they should contact Jeff Lynn ( or Shenda Baker ( before the conference. The laptop computers available on the PC Cart in the Main Concourse will have similar software to those in the Conference areas, and will be available for the speaker to check compatibility of the speaker's presentation with the available software.


Poster sessions will be in the Main Concourse, and poster spaces will be identified by number. Posters should be available for viewing in the morning prior to the start of the oral sessions so that they are available for viewing during the entire day. The presenter should stand by the poster throughout the Poster session. Posters should be attached with push pins, which will be provided. Dimensions of the usable poster display area is about 46 inches high by 94 inches wide.

Set up times for the posters.

Monday evening session: Set up no later than lunchtime on Monday
Tuesday morning session: Set up during breakfast time on Tuesday
Wednesday morning session: Set up during breakfast time on Wednesday

Posters should be taken down in the evening so that poster boards are available for the first session of the following morning.

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Last modified 11-June-2004 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Bill Kamitakahara)