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National Estuaries Day
Organize or Participate in National Estuaries Day activities that Celebrate our World Estuaries!    

National Estuaries Day is an annual celebration of the vibrant coastal areas where rivers meet the sea- estuaries. Celebrated on the last Saturday in September, National Estuaries Day is a great opportunity to learn more about these magical ecosystems and how you can help to protect them. Whether you live close enough to visit your local estuary, or you virtually transport yourself to an estuary anywhere in the world via the Internet; take some time on September 26th, or any day of the year, to explore these amazing places. Be creative! Take initiative and organize an event or involve others to do something positive that will help protect our estuaries.

By joining with people all over the world in celebrating National Estuaries Day you can help others understand that no matter where we live we are connected and we all share one world ocean, with our fate inextricably tied to the future health of our estuaries and ocean.

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 National Estuaries Day

Last Updated on: Wednesday, August 22, 2012
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