
Don't Quote Open-Market Items in eBuy

GSA’s eBuy is a Request for Quote (RFQ)/Request for Information (RFI) system designed to allow government buyers to request information, find sources, and request and receive quotes from GSA contractors who have been awarded a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract. 

Video: Small Business Utilization (Pt 6 of 7)

In this video clip from the Small Business Utilization series, Mahruba Uddowla of the GSA Multiple Award Schedules Office continues with the frequently asked questions section. She provides information regarding the eBuy site, set-aside orders, and FAR 8.405-5(a)(2)(ii).  Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

Tune in next week as we wrap up the Small Business Utilization series with the final video!

eBuy is “Set-Aside” Ready!

eBuy, GSA’s request-for-quote (RFQ) system, has been updated to facilitate set-asides.
Now you can choose whether your requirement will be set-aside for small business or another small business category.  If you decide to set-aside the requirement, then the RFQ will be viewable only by eligible Schedule contractors. For example, only HubZone Schedule contractors could view a RFQ set-aside for HubZone small business concerns.

Video: Small Business Utilization (Pt 4 of 7)

In this Small Business Utilization video (4 of 7), Mahruba Uddowla continues with information on the GSA eBuy site. Individuals who have been awarded that specific schedule have access to the entire eBuy site. Within the eBuy you are able to request information, issue requirements, issue orders, and obtain quotes and more!  Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

To find out more about the Small Business Utilization series, be sure to tune in every Wednesday for updates!

ebuy Presentation from R4 Acquisition Seminars

Presentations conducted during R4 acquisition seminars at Maxwell AFB, AL and Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Albany, GA, Feb 22 and 23, 2012, respectively.


05 Video - GSA e-Tools

This video explains more of GSA’s e-tools. GSA eBUY is an online RFQ system that allows ordering activities to obtain quotes and issue orders. It can be used to issue RFIs and expedite processes, and provides a summary of contractor response and proposal information in electronic form. GSA Advantage! is an online shopping service through which ordering activities may place orders against the Schedules . It can be used to compare prices, access Global Supply products, and see environmental items that GSA offers. The segment closes with an explanation of State and Local programs.

New FAR Rule: Section 863

An interim FAR rule has been published in the Federal Register to include Section 863 of the Fiscal Year 2009 Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This rule enhances competition requirements for orders placed against multiple-award contracts, including:

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