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VA Center for Innovation


Innovation Profiles

All the innovations funded by VACI are important and impactful. The innovations below are profiled here to demonstrate the diversity and depth of the VACI Portfolio.

Challenge Area

Integrated Business Accelerator

Pilot Location

Milwaukee, Wisconsin and St. Paul, Minnesota

The Company

Veteran Entrepreneurial Transfer (VETransfer)

Open Profile

Challenge Area

New Models of Dialysis and Renal Disease Treatment

Pilot Location

VA Puget Sound Health Care System (Seattle, Washington)

The Company

AWAK Technologies

Open Profile

Challenge Area

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Pilot Location

Memphis, TN

The Company

VHA Employee Innovation

Open Profile

Special Project

OSEHRA Innovation Profile

Open Profile

Challenge Area


Pilot Location

McGuire VA Medical Center, Richmond VA

The Company


Open Profile

Challenge Area


Pilot Location

Washington, DC - VA Medical Center

The Company

Agilex, Inc.

Open Profile

Challenge Area


Pilot Location

Atlanta, Georgia VA Medical Center

The Company

Kinetic Muscles, Inc.

Open Profile

Challenge Area

Innovative Housing Solutions to Address Veteran Homelessness

Pilot Location

Northampton, Massachusetts

The Company

Soldier On

Open Profile
