People & Culture

Archive is Now an Archived SIte

4/30/2012 In April of 2012, a conference in Montreal drew the International Polar Year 2007-2009 to an official end. For linsk to archived materials click the headline above. More

U.S. National Academy of Sciences Releases "Lessons and Legacies of the International Polar Year 2007-2008"

4/4/2012 Despite some deficiencies in data accessibility and long-term program coordination, report finds that "[o]n balance, IPY achieved its goals and was an overwhelming success." More

NSF-funded IPY Study: "Public Knowledge About Polar Regions Increases While Concerns Remain Unchanged"

2/7/2012 Analysis of the polar questions on General Social Survey indicates public's polar knowledge improved between 2006 and 2010. More

NSF Statement on the Death of Alaska Native Leader Caleb Pungowiyi

7/27/2011 Karl A. Erb, head of the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs, express the regret of the Arctic science community--at the death of Caleb Pungowiyi. More

Marine Ecology Project Unites Four Generations of Scientists to Track Ecosystem Changes

10/8/2010 A 71-year-old ecology professor is a member of an Antarctic research team that is searching out experiments left in McMurdo Sound more than 40 years ago. These "lost experiments" will show how the ecosystem has changed over time. More

Cold-water Diving: Going to Extremes for Research

10/7/2010 The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution presents an audio slideshow about what it takes to dive safely in polar seas and what there is to learn by doing it. More

IPY Conference in Oslo Brings Fresh Energy to Polar Research

7/2/2010 A June conference in Norway highlighted how much this IPY differed from previous polar years; it emphasized human dimensions, international cooperation, and the role of education and outreach, and training of a new generation of researchers. More

A First-Person Interview with Lt. Jg. Nick Morgan, a NOAA Climate Researcher at the South Pole

3/29/2010 For the past 50 years, scientists have measured levels of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere at the South Pole, creating the longest such record in existence. Read about monitoring global climate at the end of the Earth. More

NOAA Launches "Arctic Future" Web site

3/16/2010 NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory has launched a new Web site to help those interested in the Arctic learn more about the long-term effects of the loss of Arctic summer sea ice. More

Woods Hole Ship, Scientists, and Crew Probe Strategic, Turbulent and Terrifying Arctic Oceanic Gateway

2/6/2010 Winds reach more than 70 mph and waves tower over three stories high in this narrow passage on the doorstep of the Arctic Circle, where waters flow southward from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic. More
