Wednesday 10 October, 2012
Did You Know...
Building & Construction contributed 2.21% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total Number of Connected Fixed/Fixed wireless lines in Q1, 2012 was 2,319,585 and 2,326,853 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of Active lines was 99,145,013 in Q1, 2012 and 102,369,999 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of connected Mobile (CDMA) lines was 13,133,240 in Q1, 2012 and 13,328,054 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Others contributed 6.81% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of Active Mobile (CDMA) lines was 4,013,698 in Q1, 2012 and 3,541,355 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Tele-Communication/Postal Services contributed 7.28% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas contributed 13.86% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Agriculture contributed 40.69% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Hotel and Restaurant contributed 0.56% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Finance & Insurance contributed 3.98% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Teledensity was 70.82 in Q1, 2012 and 73.12 in Q2, 2012
Did You Know...
Total number of connected lines was 134,913,614 in Q1, 2012 and 136,041,999 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Wholesale and Retail contributed 17.12% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of connected Mobile (GMS) lines was 119,460,789 in Q1, 2012 and 120,387,092 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Manufacturing contributed 3.96% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Real Estate contributed 2.03% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Business & Other Service contributed 1.12% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of Active Fixed/Fixed wireless lines was 599,335 in Q1, 2012 and 514,905 in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Solid Minerals contributed 0.38% to the GDP in Q2, 2012?
Did You Know...
Total number of Active Mobile (GSM) lines was 94,531,980 in Q1, 2012 and 98,313,739 in Q2, 2012?

Dr. Yemi Kale 
The Statistician General of the Federation and Chief Executive Officer
National Bureau of Statistics.

Welcome to the new website and data portal of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the main statistical agency and custodian of official statistics in Nigeria! You will agree with me that the need for accurate, timely and reliable statistics on various facets of our national life has been on the increase in recent times. In responding to this growing demand, NBS is making available online an expansive collection of data compiled over the years. This means that data that previously existed only in print, requiring laborious efforts, time and resources to obtain, analyse and report will now be accessible at your fingertips!

 We have made every effort to provide as much data as currently available, and we’ll continue to update the portal over time. Nevertheless, considering that resources are limited, NBS strategy is to ensure that data production is demand-driven, which means that we focus our limited resources on data that are in greatest demand by our user community for policy and decision-making. With this focus, the improved website also represents a major tool in the achievement of our mandate - as encapsulated in Sec.6 of the Statistics Act, 2007 – “to effectively advise government at all levels on matters related to statistical development, promote the use of statistical standards and methodologies as well as maintain a comprehensive national statistical databank”.


The new website, which I’m happy to say puts us among the most informative on the continent, has a number of exciting features. Our new website is user-friendly, interactive, dynamic, and up-to-date with quality content. We are indeed delighted to welcome you to a world of knowledge!


Since the ultimate purpose of data is to enable us assess the past, understand the present as well as anticipate and prepare for the future, it is therefore our expectation that data obtained from NBS website will inform public policy, promote accountability and good governance while facilitating the implementation of development interventions across Nigeria. Although the website and data portal will appeal to a broad cross-section of the public, it would be of immeasurable benefit particularly to researchers, students, and policymakers who are interested in making sense of trends in major socio-economic indicators in Nigeria, and to assess the progress we are making particularly in our national aspiration to become one of the largest 20 economies by 2020.


I wish to express our sincere gratitude to our partners, stakeholders and respondents in the public and private sectors who have supported NBS’ data production activities over the years. We look forward to more exciting collaboration to increase the quantity and quality of our data releases in future. I would also like, in a most special way, to appreciate the dedication and commitment of the management and staff of NBS in Abuja and across the 36 states of the Federation. The NBS data portal is a direct outcome of their devotion.


It is my sincere hope that the contents of these pages will satisfactorily meet the needs of all categories of data users, be it policymakers, researchers, analysts, students and members of the public. And if for any reason this is not the case, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist you! 

The main goal of the proposed NBS Online Data Analysis Portal is to allow for dissemination of statistical data with a wide range of functionalities.
NBS Data Warehouse The data warehouse is a query-intensive environment. At any time, different users of the NBS Data Warehouse might be executing multiple, big or small, queries to perform all types of data analyses. Part of the value of a data warehouse is to provide optimal data accessibility and manipulation. Web based Data Portal NBS Data Portal is built on a web-based platform.Login

September Consumer Price Index & Inflation - 22 October 2012, October Consumer Price Index & Inflation - 19 November 2012, Q3 2012 Foreign Trade Estimates - 22 November 2012, GDP Rebasing and Re-benchmarking Estimates - 30 November 2012, Q3 2012 Gross Domestic Product Estimates - 19 December 2012, November Consumer Price Index & Inflation - 19 December 2012, more


Micro-data available from surveys conducted by NBS and other MDAs for researchers and general use.
The United Nation Statistics Division of the development of Economic and Social Affairs(DESA) has launched a new internet -based data service for the global user community.
The NBS arena creates a platform for learning, sharing and interacting. Simply sign in to any of our arenas to participate. Welcome!
Key Indicators
CPI August 2012: All Items Index
Year-on-Year 11.7%
12 Month Avg. Chg11.8%
Unemployment 2011
Real GDP (Q2, 2012)6.28%