TSW Approval Process


Although approximate times are given, this process is largely dependant upon the response of the experimenters.

  1. The Spokesperson or Physicist In Charge of Beam Tests fills in the template and submits this first draft TSW to the FTBF Coordinator.

  2. Round 1Typically takes 1 week
    • The Area Coordinator checks over the TSW for format, wording, spelling, grammar, etc. and does the first pass for issues which may be incorrectly worded, need clarification, or cannot be fulfilled. The coordinator also checks for missing information.
    • At this time, the coordinator will request a number for the experiment from the Directorate's Office of Program Planning.
    • Then resubmits it to the experiment for confirmation.
  3. Round 2Typically takes 1 week
    Upon receiving the draft back from the experiment, the Area Coordinator will again check for formatting and other errors, and forward the draft to the rest of the Area Managers, and the head of Detector R&D.

  4. The Area Coordinator will combine responses from the above parties into another draft and (if significant) re-submit to the experimenters for confirmation. If changes are insignificant, the coordinator may choose to proceed directly to round three, without waiting for a response from the experiment.

  5. Round 3+: Typically takes 2 - 4 weeks
    The Area Coordinator forwards the draft to the following people. These people forward the draft to their own relevant reviewers for feedback, all of which is collected by the FTBF Coordinator. This process often takes several rounds, with many drafts being re-submitted. 
    • FTBF Deputy Coordinator
    • Directorate Office of Program Planning Head
    • Directorate Office of Program Planning Administrator
    • Particle Physics Division Head
    • Particle Physics Division Office of Detector R&D
    • Particle Physics Division Senior Safety Officer
    • ES&H Section Head
    • ES&H Section Representative
    • Accelerator Division Head
    • Beamline Expert
    • Accelerator Division Operations Department Head
    • Computing Division Representative
    • Business Services Section Emergency Response Representative
  6. Round '4'Typically takes 2 weeks
    Once all the above parties are in agreement, the Area Coordinator will print out a hard copy and escort it to the following people to be signed. (As this is a rather important document, and these are extremely busy people, it can often take days before the document is read, signed and returned to the coordinator.)
    • Experiment Spokesperson
    • Particle Physics Division Head
    • Accelerator Division Head
    • Scientific Computing Division Head
    • ES&H Section Head
    • Associate Director for Research
    • Associate Director for Accelerators
  7. Once signed, the Directorate Office of Program Planning Administrator, scans the document, files it, and distributes it to all relevant parties.


 MOU's are now called TSW's

  • Beam Requests are now being proccessed for beam after August 2013
  • Priority given to users with Approved TSW
 Fermilab Today

In FY 2012 FTBF was used 97% of the available time, and served 11 experiments with
229 collaborators from 64 institutions
in 14 countires.

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