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Landsat Missions

Landsat Missions - Frequently Asked Questions

New questions & answers about the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM)

How will LDCM differ from previous Landsat satellites?

What data products will be available for Landsat 8 scenes?

What files will be included when I download a Landsat 8 scene?

How will I use the Landsat 8 Quality Assessment (QA) band?

What is the new Coastal/Aerosol band and how will it be used?

What is the new Cirrus band and how will it be used?

How will the 12-bit data received from Landsat 8 improve data products?

How do LDCM/Landsat 8 band combinations differ from earlier Landsat satellite data?

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Page Last Modified: 02/14/13 02:28 pm