U.S. Department of Justice

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Family Integrated Transitions: A Promising Program for Juvenile Offenders with Co-Occurring Disorders
By Trupin, Eric J.; Kerns, Suzanne E. U.; Walker, Sarah Cusworth; DeRobertis, Megan T.; Stewart, David G..
The influence of the Family Integrated Transitions (FIT) program on the reduction of juvenile recidivism is investigated. FIT is a family-based intervention reentry program used with youth having co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. It assists these youth as they transition from incarceration back into their homes. Results are reported for overall recidivism, felony recidivism, and violent felony and misdemeanor recidivism. “Participation in FIT was associated with a 30% red... Read More

16 pages
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Mortality In Local Jails And State Prisons, 2000-2010 - Statistical Tables
By Noonan, Margaret E..
Statistics about the 4,150 inmate deaths occurring in local jails and state prisons during 2000-2010 are presented. Some of the findings show that most inmates expired in state prisons (78%) with suicide being the leading cause of death in jails and cancer being the most common in prisons.... Read More

28 pages
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Family Resources Inventory: An Overview of Resources for Family, Youth, and Staff
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network. Family Involvement Workgroup (Chicago, IL); National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) (Delmar, NY).
This publication was designed to help individuals and organizations in the “identification of publications and resources that address the barriers families and caretakers may face when a youth is involved in the juvenile justice system, and provide them with advocacy tips and information on how best to navigate the intricacies of the justice system. In addition, there are resources geared toward juvenile justice staff and policymakers that can assist in the reformation of policies and procedures... Read More
44 pages
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Safety, Fairness, Stability: Repositioning Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare to Engage Families and Communities
By Pennell, Joan; Shapiro, Carol; Spigner, Carol. Georgetown University. Public Policy Institute. Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) (Washington, DC).
The need to strengthen the ties between family members and youth involved in the juvenile justice system is explained. Family engagement is one strategy for agencies working to create “pro-social connections that will support them [juvenile offenders] in their path to adulthood” (p. v). This report is divided into six parts: introduction and background; shifting views of parents and youth—historical development and opportunity for change; family engagement—what it means; practice strategies—putt... Read More
78 pages
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Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad™ on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents
Rutgers University-Newark. School of Public Affairs and Administration. Economic Development Research Group (EDRG) (xxx).
This study seeks to determine “the impact of participation in the InsideOut Dad™ program on participant behavioral, cognitive, attitudinal, and self-efficacy outcomes compared to Newark CEC Residential Reentry Center resident fathers not participating in the program” (p. 10). InsideOut Dad is an evidence-based pre-release program that helps to connect incarcerated fathers with their families while getting them ready for reentry. Sections of this report include: introduction—an overview of patern... Read More
68 pages
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Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents
Rutgers University-Newark. School of Public Affairs and Administration. Economic Development Research Group (Newark, NJ).
The impact of the InsideOut Dad program on particular outcome measures in three Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Centers in New Jersey is examined. Quantitative findings are reported for demographics and background, effect on confidence, effect on parenting knowledge, effect on parenting behavior, effect on parenting attitude, and effect on institutional behavior. These results combined with qualitative results show that InsideOut Dad is an effective program for strengthenin... Read More
68 pages
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Families as Partners: Supporting Incarcerated Youth in Ohio
Vera Institute of Justice. Family Justice Program (New York, NY).
The use of the Juvenile Relational Inquiry Tool (JRIT) in the Ohio Department of Youth Services is evaluated (p. 1). The JRIT asks questions about the individual youth and ties to their families. Findings are discussed regarding the importance of family and the attitudes of youth towards staff. Results show that “the JRIT, when reinforced by greater efforts to engage families, can have the desired effects—building rapport between youth and staff and prompting young people to think about the exte... Read More
4 pages
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Why Ask About Family: A Guide for Corrections
By diZerega, Margaret. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Vera Institute of Justice. Family Justice Program (New York, NY).
“By looking beyond the individual to families and social supports, corrections officers can help improve public safety and other outcomes” (p. 1). Sections of this guide discuss: what a strength-based, family-focused approach is; changing the conversation and asking key questions to provide a clearer picture of needed services; thinking about people in context; tapping social networks; frequently asked questions; and from intake to release—using a strength-based, family-focused approach.... Read More
8 pages
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Crime Families: Gender and the Intergenerational Transfer of Criminal Tendencies
By Goodwin, Vanessa; Davis, Brent. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
What is interesting about this paper is that it examines how the criminality of mothers affect subsequent delinquency of their sons and daughters. “For both genders…the more serious the parent’s criminal record, the greater the probability of their offspring subsequently committing offences, with the influence of the father’s record seemingly being greater than that of the mother” (p. 4).... Read More
6 pages
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Setting an Agenda for Family-Focused Justice Reform
By diZerega, Margaret; Verdone, Jules. Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY).
Anyone interested in reduced recidivism should read this report. It describes what a family-focused approach is and why it is important while laying out a seven step process for family-focused justice reform. The seven steps are: emphasize safety and security; borrow and adapt from best practices to develop a model; encourage more contact between incarcerated individuals and their supportive family members; involve family members in shaping policy and practice; conduct more research and gather m... Read More
20 pages
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The Connections Project
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Connections Project (Germantown, MA); National Fatherhood Initiative (Germantown, MD).
If your agency is looking for ways to reduce the recidivism of fathers returning to the community, this program might be for you. “The Connections Project is an initiative that focuses on the power of engaged fathers for successful reentry.” This website provides access to information about Connections, tools for practitioners, tools for fathers, the Connections Forum, success stories, and contact information.... Read More
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How to Connect with Your Children and Family After Release
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Connections Project (Germantown, MD); National Fatherhood Initiative (Germantown, MD).
Advice for offenders trying to reconnect with their families and stay out of jail or prison is given. Sections of this brochure are: prepare—build a strong base; partner--work with mom; and prevent—reach out to stay out.... Read More
5 pages
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Engaging Fathers for Successful Reentry: Research , Tips, Best Practices
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Ntaional Fatherhood Initiative (Germantown, MD).
A selection of fact sheets “connect the dots between eight of the most significant reentry challenges and the need to engage incarcerated and reentering fathers in becoming better dads” (p. 3). This report covers housing, employment, marriage and relationships, substance abuse, mentoring and community support, child support, involving moms, and domestic violence.... Read More
24 pages
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Family Engagement in Reentry for Justice-Involved Youth
By Bilchik, Shay; Shanahan, Ryan; Rosalez, Rosalinda; Larson, Krista. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). National Reentry Resource Center (New York, NY).
Overheads for four presentations regarding the need for families to be involved in the reentry process for released youth are contained in this document. The presentations include: the Family Justice Program (overview)—defining family broadly, strength-based approach, impact of family and other social support on reentry outcomes, youth voices, juvenile corrections staff survey, probation and correctional leaders survey, and youth genograms; a family-focused approach to juvenile corrections—Calif... Read More
48 pages
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Incarceration in Fragile Families
By Wildeman, Christopher; Western, Bruce.
The effects of mass imprisonment on fragile families - families in which the children’s parents were not married at the time of their birth – and ways to lessen these effects’ impacts while also reducing crime are examined. Topics discussed include: the demography of punishment and mass incarceration in the United States; research findings on the consequences of imprisonment for fragile families—effects on adult men, partners, and children; implications of the research; and policy prescriptions.... Read More
22 pages
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Handbook for Family and Friends of Inmates
North Carolina Dept. of Correction. Division of Prisons (Raleigh, NC).
This handbook for family and friends of inmates is a great example of what a guide to the rules and regulations of a prison should cover. Sections of this publication cover: the mission of the Department of Corrections; Division of Prisons; diagnostic process; classification; programs; substance abuse treatment program; communications; smoking and tobacco use; visitation; family relationships and prison; custody and security; searches; health care services; mental health services; food services;... Read More
76 pages
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Staying Connected and Staying Strong: A Handbook for Families and Friends of Those Incarcerated in Minnesota Correctional Facilities
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families (Washington, DC). Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN); Council on Crime and Justice (Minneapolis, MN).
This handbook is designed to assist families and friends of prisoners understand the Minnesota correctional system. Sections of this document are: prison information; staying in touch with your incarcerated loved one -- reasons to maintain relationships, visiting, mail, sending money, and telephone calls; and taking care of yourself and your family -- tips for caregivers from caregivers, coping with incarceration, family finances, resources and programs, and when the inmate comes home.... Read More
36 p.
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Incarcerated Parents and Their Children: Trends 1991-2007
By Schirmer, Sarah; Nellis, Ashley; Mauer, Marc. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Issues surrounding the impact of incarceration on parents and their children are discussed. Sections contained in this report include: introduction with key points; incarcerated parents -- population, marital status, and gender; minor children of incarcerated parents -- number, racial and ethnic population, and contact with parents; public policy impact; recommendations for public policy; and conclusion.... Read More
11 p.
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Bearing Witness: Baltimore City's Residents Give Voice to What's Needed to Fix the Criminal Justice System
By Belway, Shakti. Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC); Open Society Institute-Baltimore (Baltimore, MD). Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
"Bearing Witness' is the culmination of interviews with people from Baltimore City about their experiences with the criminal justice system" and how to improve it (p. 3). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction; meeting the unique needs of women and families; closing the revolving door -- reforming parole and probation; a public health approach to drug use and addiction; seizing the opportunity for change -- investing in solutions; embrace restorative justice -- focus on heali... Read More
36 p.
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The Impact of Marital and Relationship Status on Social Outcomes for Returning Prisoners
By Visher, Christy A.; Knight, Carly R.; Chalfin, Aaron; Roman, John K.. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
The relationship between marriage or intimate partnership and recidivism, substance use, and employment is examined. Sections of this report include: summary; defining relationship status; methodology; selection into marriage and relationships; variable definitions; results; and discussion about age, relationship quality, self-selection into marriage, and areas for further research. "Overall, the findings suggest that in-prison programs that strengthen the quality of married relationships may i... Read More
9 p.
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The Oregon Accountability Model
Oregon Dept. of Corrections. Office of Public Affairs (Salem, OR).
The six components of the Oregon Accountability Model are explained. These elements are: criminal risk factor assessment and case planning; staff-inmate interactions; work and programs; children and families; reentry; and community supervision and programs.... Read More
3 p.
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When Relatives Return: Interviews with Family Members of Returning Prisoners in Houston, Texas
By Shollenberger, Tracey L.. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
"This research brief examines the challenges of incarceration and reentry from the perspective of family members on the outside" (p. 1). Topics discussed include: defining family; who the families of returning prisoners are; how relationships are maintained during incarceration; barriers families face in maintaining contact with their incarcerated relatives; how family members are affected by the return of their relatives; what types of support do family members provide and for how long; some f... Read More
17 p.
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Incarcerated Parents and Child Support: The Handbook for Incarcerated Parents: Child Support, Establishing Paternity, Visitation, DNA Testing, Resources
Texas Office of the Attorney General (Austin, TX).
This brochure aims "to inform incarcerated parents about what they do when they are sent to prison, how to handle their child support case when they are incarcerated and what to do when they are released from prison" (p. 2). Topics discussed include: what the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) can provide: what the OAG will not; frequently asked questions about child support, about visitation, and upon release from incarceration; and child support definitions.... Read More
8 p.
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Definitions of "Parent" and Relative Variations in Child Welfare
National Conference of State Legislatures (Denver, CO).
Legislation regarding the relationship between parent and child is organized and presented by state. Entries include summaries of pertinent text.... Read More
15 p.
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Family Involvement in Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice System
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Mental Health Association in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, PA); Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers (N.P.).
This monograph’s purpose is to “identify and develop strategies and models that will support family involvement in the juvenile justice system in effective and measurable ways and that are rooted within balanced and restorative justice practice” (p.5). Sections compiling this publication include: introduction; a timeline of family involvement policy in Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system; the focus group process and themes; access to effective early prevention and intervention; communicating... Read More
28 p.
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Community Supervision: Using a Strength-Based, Family-Focused Approach
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 16, 2005]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program will help professionals identify the strengths and resources inherent in the family as a fundamental support system for individuals upon their release from prison or jail. It is designed to stimulate new ways of thinking about the family as a resource to enhance offender reentry and supervision and to increase public safety. Family, broadly defined, includes individuals' blood relatives and friends who play a significant role in a person's life. Family members are essential resou... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    Improving the Response to Offenders with Mental Illness Through Mental Health and Criminal Justice Collaboration
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Proceedings from hearings regarding mentally ill offenders are provided. Contents of this publication include: executive summary; outline of proceedings; opening remarks and introduction; hearing panel -- setting the context -- the increasing number of people with mental illness under corrections supervision -- origins of the problem and key strategies for addressing it; hearing panel -- case studies of state and local mental health and corrections collaboration; summary of day's proceedings; D... Read More
    183 p.
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    Children of Prisoners: Children of Promise
  • [Videoconference Held June 18, 2003]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This videoconference identifies the problems and greatest needs of incarcerated parents and caretakers with regard to their children. It specifically addresses:
    • Problems and issues that children of prisoners or former prisoners face that put the kids at risk;
    • Evidence-based and promising approaches to support these children and build on their strengths;
    • And the benefits of the criminal justice system becoming more family-friendly.... Read More

    1 DVD (151 min.)
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    Involving Families in Systems Change: Improving Services for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems: Strategies for Families [and Strategies for Service Providers] Brochures]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); Policy Research, Inc. (Delmar, NY).
    These brief brochures describe the strategies for families and for service providers that are available through the GAINS Center. Included are examples of success, challenges to involving families, and resources for further information.... Read More
    4 p.
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    Policy Recommendations on Families of Adult Offenders: Proceedings of the First National Leadership Conference on Families of Adult Offenders, Waynesboro, Virginia, May 13-15, 1986
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Virginia Dept. of Corrections. Academy for Staff Development (Waynesboro, VA). Family and Corrections Network (Waynesboro, VA); National Leadership Conference on Families of Adult Offenders : 1st : 1986 (Waynesboro, VA).
    Strengthening the family ties of adult offenders by positive family programs is the intent of these policy recommendations.... Read More

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