

This effort is to deploy CF8C-Plus to new automotive and energy generation and use related applications. Potential industrial partners include 1) vehicle and diesel engine OEMs, 2) part and critical sub-system manufacturers, 3) gas and steam turbine, reciprocating engine and 4) boiler manufacturers. The required mechanical, physical and corrosion properties database for conventional and modified CF8C-Plus, on commercial heats and industrial sponsor for ASME boiler and pressure vessel code case, are needed in order to expand commercial opportunities for this new material. At the higher temperatures and more aggressive corrosion environments, CF8C-Plus will likely require an environmentally-resistant coating to maximize its durability and reliability in such environments. Increased deployment of CF8C-Plus and modified CF8C-Plus castings can lead to diesel engines and gas or steam turbines with increased efficiency, durability, and lower cost.


 Oak Ridge National Laboratory