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Allowable Costs

Conferences and Workshops

Allowable costs for conferences may include amounts you pay for the following:

  • Conference or meeting arrangements
  • Publicity
  • Registration
  • Salaries of personnel
  • Rental of staff offices
  • Conference space
  • Recording or translation services
  • Postage
  • Telephone charges
  • Travel expenses (this includes transportation and subsistence for speakers or participants)
  • Lodging (restrictions apply—please see below)

All contracts funded by Office of Justice Programs (OJP) awards for events that include 30 or more participants (both Federal and non-Federal) must ensure that lodging costs for any number of attendees do not exceed the prevailing Federal per diem rate for lodging. If the lodging rate is not the Federal per diem rate or less, none of the lodging costs associated with the event are allowable costs to the award. As a result, as the recipient, you would be required to pay for all lodging costs for the event with non-award funds, not just the amount in excess of the Federal per diem. For example, if the Federal per diem for lodging is $78 per night, and the event lodging rate is $100 per night, you would be required to pay the full $100 per night, not just the difference of $22 per night.